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Topic 2 What kind of home do you live in? Section B Mr. Smart lives at the end of Elm Road. There are no houses on the right, but there is a tall tree. Mr. Jackson lives between Mr. Smart and Mr. Lee. Mr. Jones lives next to Mr. Lee. He also lives next to Mr. Watson. no at the end of Road. 在……的结尾/末端 Can you write the names of the neighbors? Five Neighbors Neighbors neighbors? Mr. Smart Mr. Lee Mr. Watson Mr. Jones Mr. Jackson 邻居,邻人 1a.Listen to 1a and mark Ture or False . ( )1.There is a store near here. ( )2.There is a bank in front of the building. ( )3.Michael and Mary are good friends. bank store T F F 1a Listen, read and say post office restaurant buy books keep and show things have meals Where can we ________________? keep money In the _______________. bank park cars parking lot take trains train station see a doctor hospital buy food supermarket mail letters 邮寄 bookstore museum At the ______________. keep money park cars take trains see a doctor buy food mail letters buy books keep and show things parking lot (D) bank (G) train station (H) hospital (F) supermarket (E) post office (A) bookstore (B) museum (C) Work alone Look, learn and match ( ) bookstore ( ) restaurant ( ) post office ( ) parking lot ( ) train station ( ) hospital ( ) bank ( ) supermarket ( ) park 1c Work alone A. Listen to the passage carefully and check (√) the places your hear. √ √ √ √ √ √ B. Listen to the passage again and write the places in the plan. bank bookstore hospital apartment parking lot post office restaurant Little Pan play the piano We can hear Little Pan playing the piano. loud hear Little Pan playing 2a Listen, read and say 2b Pair work Suppose you are Michael or Mary. What would you do? Then talk about what you would do in the following situations with your partner. 1. One of


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