13车辆-热工学-8-property table-compressibility.pdf

13车辆-热工学-8-property table-compressibility.pdf

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13车辆-热工学-8-property table-compressibility

Lecture8: Pure Substances Ⅱ Review 3.1 Pure Substance 3 2 Phases. 3.3 Phase-Change Processes 3.4 Property Diagrams 2 3.4 Property Diagrams--P-v Diagram P 122 P-v diagram of a substance that contracts on freezing 3 3.4 Property Diagrams--P-v Diagram P-v diagram of a substance that expands on freezing 4 3.4 Property Diagrams--P-T Diagram P-T Diagram P 124 Recall the Phase diagram (all three phases are separated from each other by three lines.) Phase diagram 5 纯物质的p-v-T图 6 Preview 3.5 Property Tables 3 6 The ideal-Gas Equation of State. 3.7 Compressibility Factor 7 Properties of Pure Substances – 3.5 Property Tables 3 5 Property Tables. Enthalpy -a Combination Property、 is defined as (specific)h u Pv= + or (total)H U PV= + 8 Mechanical energy (p58) Flow work: a pressure force acting on a fluid through a distance. P Pν The mechanical energy of a flowing fluid is: , ρ 2 g 2mech P Ve z ρ = + + ) 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1g(2mech P P V Ve z z ρ ? ? Δ = + + ? ( ) 2 gP VE me m z= = + + 9 2mech mech ρ Properties of Pure Substances – 3.5 Property T bl `a es Property Tables p914 (Table A-4) Thermodynamic properties of phase changing substances are available in tabular forms known as property tablesreference state . 10 Properties of Pure Substances – 3.5 Property Tables Saturation Tables --Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor States The properties of saturated liquid and saturated vapor for water are listed in tables A-4 (temperature) and A-5 (pressure). A-4 (temperature) A-5 (pressure). Both tables contain the same information. 11 3.5 Property Tables—1. Saturation Tables The subscripts: f—saturated liquid; g—saturated vapor; fg—denote the difference between the saturated vapor and saturated liquid values of the same property. eg: vf =specific volume of saturated liquid vg =specific volume of saturated vapor vfg =difference between vg and vf (i.e. )fg g fv v v= ? 12 Properties of Pure Substances – 3.5 Property Tables enthalpy of vap



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