An approach to chemical freeze-out scenario of identified particle spectra at 200AGeV Au-Au.pdf

An approach to chemical freeze-out scenario of identified particle spectra at 200AGeV Au-Au.pdf

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An approach to chemical freeze-out scenario of identified particle spectra at 200AGeV Au-Au

a r X i v : 0 7 0 9 .0 8 4 5 v 2 [ n u c l - t h ] 6 S e p 2 0 0 7 An approach to chemical freeze-out scenario of identified particle spectra at 200AGeV Au-Au collisions at RHIC Wei-Liang Qiana, Rone Andradea, Fre?de?rique Grassia, Yogiro Hamaa and Takeshi Kodamab aInstituto de F??sica, USP C. P. 66318, 05315-970 Sa?o Paulo, SP, Brazil bInstituto de F??sica, UFRJ C. P. 68528, 21945-970 Rio de Janeiro-RJ , Brazil Abstract Thermal model fit indicates early chemical freeze-out of multi-strange hadrons with small collec- tive velocities at 200AGeV Au-Au collisions at RHIC. In this work, we present our recent results by SPheRIO hydrodynamical calculations inspired by this picture. In our model, multi-strange hadrons go through chemical freeze-out when the system reaches some temperature close to the phase transition, stopping to make inelastic collisions, and their abundances are therefore deter- mined only by partonic EOS. At a lower temperature thermal freeze-out takes place where elastic collisions are brought to a halt. We calculate the spectra for various hadrons at different centrality windows, with chemical and thermal freeze-out temperature being fit as a function of centrality. As it is shown, the result provides a reasonable panoramic description of the spectra of identified par- ticles. Chemical freeze-out gives good correction of the multiplicity of certain species of particles, especially for multi-strange hadrons. PACS numbers: 1 I. INTRODUCTION In heavy-ion collision a hot and dense matter is formed which eventually evolves into a state of freely streaming particles. Strong collective flow patterns measured at RHIC sug- gest that the hydrodynamical model is well justified during the intermediate stages of the reaction. The model provides a useful tool for drawing information of space-time evolution of the matter, from the time when local equilibrium is attained until the process of hadron decoupling, called freeze-out. The simplest scenario to trea


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