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October 2010
Feature Article: News from the cyber front
Table of Contents
Feature Article: News from the cyber front 3
Stuxnet 4
Securing our eCity Symposium 5
October: month of fakes 5
Virus Bulletin White Papers and others 6
AMTSO Workshop 7
The Top Ten Threats 7
About ESET 11
Additional resources 11
Feature Article: News from the
cyber front
Urban Schrott, IT Security Cybercrime Analyst, ESET Ireland
In principle it may appear that nothing much has changed on
the cyber front. Attacks, exploits, botnets, fraud, scams, spam,
they are all still there in varying quantities. But there does seem
to be some specific change happening by comparisonwith
previous years. It appears that the media have begun following
global threat trends more consistently and more often, which is
definitely good news, though most still prefer just to write
about whichever virus is the latest sensation. Unfortunately,
credit for this can be attributed less to experts valiant and
continuous efforts to raise awareness, than to the
overwhelming growth and presence of cybercriminal activities,
which it really isn’t possible any longer to ignore. But the media
are still mainly influenced by their own perception of the
“newsworthiness” of specific topics, so here is a quick look at
how certain cybersecurity topics have been covered recently.
Throughout this month Stuxnet has been all over the media,
with varying levels of rationality in interpretation. Randy
Abrams and David Harley could of course be counted upon for
sensible explanations
the-non-geek and /2010/10/15/stuxnet-
paper-revision), but multiple conspiracy theories also surfaced.
The New York Times, for example,
(/id focused on biblical
references within the malwares code and pointed the finger
towards Israels pursuance of cyberwarfare against Iran. But
without getting into the technicalities of what Stuxnet is or
isnt, the interesting p
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