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9B Unit 1 复习讲义 It’s tiring to climb the steps. a pair of chopsticks 3. traditional Chinese art中国传统艺术 4. in the middle of the ancient city of Beijing在北京古城的中心 5. be well worth a visit 非常值得参观 6. watch the raising of the national flag观看升国旗仪式 7. raise(vt) raise your hand/ head/ voice举手/ 抬头/ 提高嗓音 rise(vi) rise to speak (太阳、月亮、河水、价格、温度) rise-rose-risen 9. run across northern China横穿中国北部 10. stand in different shapes以不同的形式矗立着 11. fill you with surprise 让你感到惊奇 12. be open to the public对公众开放13.take up 占据 14. a quarter of …的四分之一 three quarters of …的四分之三 15. a 17-hole bridge 一座17 孔桥 16. It is said 据说 It is reported 据报道 17. provide a high level of service 提供高水平的服务 18. People in India speak English as a second language 19. India has the second largest population in the world. 20. technology 技术 21. It is amazing that there are so many rocks in unusual shapes---some hang down and others point upwards. (hang—hung—hung) 9B Unit 2 复习讲义 invent---inventor---invention South African fighter 斗士 fight—fought--fought a European country an Asian country pilot 飞行员 astronaut 宇航员 Russia---Russian serve as a pilot 服役当飞行员 8. manage to join two spacecraft together 成功将两个航天器交会对接 8. begin spinning out of control (controlled) 开始失去控制不停地旋转 9. receive the order to cut the flight short 收到缩短航程的命令 10. the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 11. land safely 安全着陆 on land 在陆地上 12. step out onto the Moon’s surface (stepped) 跨出去到月球表面 13. for further research 为了进一步的研究 14. his excellent service 他的出色服务 15. the highest award that a US citizen can receive 一个美国市民可以获得的最高奖项 16. the pride of the whole world 全世界的骄傲 17. take pride in/be proud of 以……为自豪 18.read passages on the website 在网站上看文章 19. talk to sb. on the phone 和某人在电话里谈 20.change the way we live/our lifestyle 改变我们的生活方式 21.by hand 手工 22.with the invention/development of…


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