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上博楚简《鲁邦大旱》解义 李 学 勤    [摘要 ] 上海博物馆藏楚简《鲁邦大旱》第三简“子赣曰 : 否”应断句 , 下可读为“偕 乎子女 , 踵命其与”。第四简“夫山”以下 , 应据《晏子》校正。“或必寺乎”一句中 , “或” 读为“有”,“寺”读为“祠”。第六简“无如”意为无奈。孔子建议以玉帛祭祀山川 , 是为 了安辑民众 ; 要求正刑与德 , 则系乘机进谏 , 不需作过多推论。 [关键词 ] 楚简  鲁邦大旱  孔子 [中图分类号 ] B222. 2 [文献标识码 ] A [文章编号 ] 1002 - 2627 (2004) 01 - 0004 - 04 作者简介 : 李学勤 (1933~  ) 男 , 北京人 , 教授。清华大学思想文化研究所所长 , 中国社会科 学院古代文明研究中心主任 , 国际欧亚科学院院士。  北京  100084 ① 马承源主编 :《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》 (二) , 上海古籍出版社 2002 年版。 ? 1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 5     上博楚简《鲁邦大旱》解义 ? 1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 6 孔子研究  2004 年第 1 期       ? 1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 7     上博楚简《鲁邦大旱》解义 ? 1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Interpretation of the Chu - Period Bamboo - Slips of The Drought of the L u state Collected in Shanghai Museum Li Xueqin Abstract  Of the Shanghai Museum Chu - Period Bamboo - Slip of The Drought of the Lu state , the clause“Zigong (Tzu - kong) said : No”should be broken off with what follows in the third slip , whereas , in the fourth , the wording after“The mount”, be emendated according to Yanzi ( Yan - Tzu) , i . e. in“huo bi shi hu”,“huo”, be interpreted as“you” (to have) , and“shi”, as“ci” (an ancestral temple) , and , in the sixth ,“wu ru”, as“wu nai”(cannot help but) . The only purpose that Confucius suggested to sacrifice jade and fabrics for the land is to reassure the public and to rectify laws and develop morality. The Master was to take the advantage to offer his expostulation , nothing else should be inferred1 Key Words  the Chu - Period Bamboo - Slips ; the Drought of the Lu State ; Confucius On the ldeas and Thoughts in the Chu - Period Bamboo - Slips of The Drought of the L u State Liao Mingchun Abstract  The first and second slips of The Drought of the Lu State are about the political reform strategy of“rectifying laws and developing morality”put forward by Confucius to


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