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悬架 Suspension 独特创新设计 A Unique Design 多连杆独立悬架 Multi-link Suspension 独创“瞬轴设计法” Create A New Method ————————太原理工大学晋翔车队 Taiyuan University of Technology JX Racing Team 动态性能出众 High Performance 自主探索总结出多连杆悬架导向机构设计“瞬轴法”和转向回正力矩计算方法,充分发挥了多连杆悬架的优势,提高了赛车的操控性能 During this process,we found a new way for the design of multi-link suspension by ourselves,and this method can be used for nearly all kinds of independent suspension. 太原理工大学JX.1赛车悬架采用了大学生方程式中极少用到的多连杆独立悬架,其设计过程经过了运动学优化(包括悬架运动时的车轮及主销定位参数变化、侧倾中心布置及载荷转移等参数变化)、动力学优化(包括转向力、反馈力等)、轻量化设计和制造成本优化 JX.1 racing car of TYUT was designed using multi-link suspension,which is hardly used in Formula Student. We designed it with considering of kinematic,dynamic,lightweight and producing cost optimizing. ——————————————————————————— 概述 Summary Why is multi-link? 高性能 Performance 调节自由 Adjustable 设计自由度 Design Possibilities 受力良好 Force Situation 面向制造 节约成本 Easier produce and Less cost First of all, Formula Student is a engineering design competition aiming to train us new guys, so why don’t we try something new? Why don’t we try to learn more from this? 高性能 Performance 多连杆独立悬架拥有更多的控制臂,因此,精心设计的多连杆悬架可以提供更好的操控性能。 A multi-link suspension contains more links so that it can supply better handling performance when elaborate designed. — — — — — — — — — — — — — 多连杆悬架在很多高性能汽车上得到应用,例如大众辉腾、宝马3系和5系、以及奔驰C级,他们的前后悬架均为多连杆形式。 In fact there’s many high performance cars, such as Volks Wagon Phaeton ,BMW 3 Class and 5 Class, and Mercedes E Class, use multi-link. Besides, without bushings, a racing car with multi-link will have less problems. 杆系受力 Force Situation 双叉臂悬架的A臂看似是一个结构稳定的三角形,但事实上由于焊接、应力、铰接等需求,A臂要想受力良好需要更多的工作和成本。 There’s always bending force on an A-arm. An A-arm seems like a steady triangle, but in fact it’s weld at end, so that the force can’t be transfered perfectly along bar direction, and it may cause some trouble at the hardpoint connecting A-arm and upright. 多连杆悬架的所有杆件均为二力杆,杆件结构简单,制造方便,成本低廉。 All the control arm in multi-link suspension are tw


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