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Unit 3 By sophie Dialogue: Let’s Make a Choice A: Hi, Mary. B: Hi, Simon. What’s up? A: Why don’t we go for KFC tonight? B: To be honest, I’d like to go for a pizza. A: Actually, I haven’t had a pizza for a while, let’s do that then. Dialogue B: Ok, shall we go to Pizza Hut or Pizza Italian? A: If it were up to me, I’d choose to go to Pizza Hut, they’re much tastier. B: I think you’re right. Ok, that’s decided then! A: See you tonight. B: See you then. New Words 2. pollution n. Common pollution types: air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. 常见的污染类型有:空气污染、水污染、土地污染、噪声污染和光污染。 pollute v. We should not pollute our rivers with waste. 我们不应让废弃物污染我们的河川。 9. pollutant a.污染物 New Words 13. garbage n. 垃圾;废物;食物残渣 Please put the garbage in the dustbin. 请把垃圾放在桶里。 You are a garbage! 你真是个废物! New Words 18. affect vt. How does it affect the price of my house? 那么它会如何影响房子的价格呢? New Words 27. invention n. 发明;虚构;发明物 invent vt. They invent tools and machines to help them in their work. 他们发明机器来帮助自己工作。 Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要乃发明之母。 New Words 32. concentrate v. When you read, you have to concentrate. 阅读时你必须集中注意力。 You must concentrate (all your energies) on the study of English. 你必须集中全力学习英语。 New Words 35. survival n. They are still fighting for survival. 他们还在为生存而斗争。 survive vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长 vi. 幸存;活下来 In that case, we must stay together or none of us will survive. 既然如此,我们必须呆在一起,不然我们谁也别想活。 Sentence 1. A be part of B. A是B的组成部分。 They are part of my life. 它们是我生活的一部分。 Everybody makes mistakes. They are part of being human because no one acts perfectly correctly all the time. 每个人都会犯错。犯错是人类的一部分,因为没有人一直百分百做正确的事。 Step Reading Passage Two (P47) Keys: ADBCB Passage Three (P49) Keys: TFTFT Grammar Exercise on P55 Keys: DCCDD ABDBD 形容词和副词的比较等级 原级 1. 肯定 as (adv.) + adj. / adv. 原级 + as (conj.) 2. 否定 not as (so) + adj. / adv. 原级 + as 3. 倍数 倍数 + as + adj. / adv. 原级 + as 1. Mr. Sun speaks English as fluently as you .


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