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Investing in Treasury Inflation
Protected Securities
Vanguard Investment Counseling Research
Executive Summary
Inflation-protected securities are bonds with unique investment characteristics.
These securities represent a relatively new type of financial asset in the
United States, where the government first issued Treasury Inflation-Indexed
Securities (also called Treasury inflation-protected securities, or TIPS) in
January 1997. The TIPS market has experienced rapid growth: Its total value
had climbed from $31.06 billion, or 1.45% of the conventional U.S. Treasury
market, at the end of 1997 to $305 billion, or 13.5% of that market, by the
end of 2005. In countries with a longer issuance history, such as the United
Kingdom, inflation-indexed bonds currently account for approximately 40%
of outstanding government debt. The Treasury Department reaffirmed its
commitment to TIPS and announced that it planned to add additional
maturities to TIPS’ issuance cycle. Vanguard expects the TIPS market to
continue to grow in importance.
Understanding the mechanics of TIPS and how their performance may differ
from that of other financial assets in varying market environments is the first
step in deciding whether and how to include these securities in an investment
portfolio. TIPS make sense for many investors, as their characteristics offer
some advantages over those of conventional Treasury bonds.
Connect with Vanguard
Why inflation-protected securities? traditional bonds, TIPS have a principal value that
Investors in traditional fixed income securities have changes; it is raised (or lowered) by the Treasury
historically concerned themselves with two broad each month to keep pace with inflation. As a result,
types of risk: credit risk and nominal interest rate the semiannual coupon payments to investors also
risk. Investors can manage credit risk—the risk change, because they are derived by applying th
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