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安徽大学江淮学院 本科毕业论文(设计) 题  目:  C2C模式下的网商物流问题研究                        学生姓名:   郭青松 学号: JE104234 系 别:   管理系  专业:  物流管理  入学时间:  2010     年    9    月 导师姓名:  李光辉   职称/学位:      导师所在单位:                完成时间:          年        月 C2C模式下的网商物流问题研究 摘要 随着C2C电子商务的发展,物流就像是一条摸不着的纽带,将现实中的买方和卖方紧密的连接起来。然而,由于 C2C 电子商务本身的特点,网商在经营过程中,其物流存在的问题可以归纳为:物流企业的管理模式与机制不够完善,资源浪费的现象普遍存在;物流过程中,消费者的利益得不到保障。针对以上问题,应采取如下措施:公司管理、行业自律和政府调控三管齐下,建立可信赖的支付平台,物流公司之间的结盟以及来自政府的监管调控;将物流公司引入到服务评价体系;建立统一的配送服务系统。 关键词:C2C;网商;评价体系;配送; C2C mode of electronic retailing logistics research Abstract With the development of C2C e-commerce, logistics as a scratching ties, the buyer and the seller of the reality was closely connected. However, due to the characteristics of C2C e-commerce, electronic retailer in the process of operation, the problems of logistics mode can be summarized as: Logistics enterprise management mode and the mechanism were imperfection, and the resources waste was universal existence; in logistics process, the interests of consumers were not guaranteed. To solve the problems, the following measures should be taken: the company management, industry self-regulation and government regulation combined to establish a reliable payment platform, the alliance between the logistics companies and supervision regulation from the government; lead the logistics company to the evaluation system services; establish a unified distribution services system. Key words: C2C;electronic retailer;payment platform;distribution; 目 录  TOC \o 1-4 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc385273014 一、引言  PAGEREF _Toc385273014 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc385273015 二、C2C模式下网商物流存在的主要问题及原因分析  PAGEREF _Toc385273015 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc385273016 (一) 配送环节出现的问题及原因分析  PAGEREF _Toc385273016 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc385273017 1、配送环节出现的问题  PAGEREF _Toc385273017 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc385273018 (1)配送过程中的成本问题  PAGEREF _Toc385273018 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc385273019 (


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