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Stork Thermeq B.V. Site Service Report  PAGE 4 of  NUMPAGES 4 pages Service report of deaerator for Zhejiang Yishen project 浙江逸盛项目除氧器现场服务报告 2006-10-1 Service Description: 现场服务情况描述: The deaerator of oil-fired boiler for Zhejiang Yishen PTA is constructing at site, condensate piping is flushed already, the end user ask us for instructing on installation of piping and sprayer. The outlet capacity is 307t/h, effective volume/total volume is 90/115 cubic meter, sprayer type is DN250 (spring type), serial No. 2005-122. 浙江逸盛PTA项目燃油锅炉除氧器在现场已经基本安装完毕,凝结水管线已经冲洗完毕,用户要求我们到现场进行管线连接以及喷嘴安装检查指导。 除氧器出力为307吨/小时,有效容积/总容积为90/115立方米,喷嘴型号为DN250(弹簧式),编号2005-122。 When we arrived at the site, the piping of deaerator is almost connected except the sprayer nozzle. After discuss with the engineer of end user, followed issues have been settled. 当我们到达现场时,除了凝结水喷嘴外其余管线均已经安装完毕,在与用户工程师讨论后,如下问题需要注意和改正。 Installation of sprayer: 喷嘴安装: For this type of sprayer, The sprayer just seat on the flange of sprayer nozzle with two pieces of gasket at both sides, then clipped by couple of flanges. 这种型号的喷嘴安装时,只需要座放在喷嘴安装接口上,两侧放置垫片,然后用两侧法兰夹紧固定。 Things need to be modified: 需要整改的项目: The oxygen/steam venting pipe is wrong fabricated, drawing from Stork is specially designed for preventing the block of pipe caused by condensate, the operation and maintenance manual also describes this issue clearly. So, the present structure must be modified to comply with Stork drawing. Please pay attention on: 排氧/汽管安装不正确,STORK的设计中专门考虑了防止凝结水阻塞管道的结构,在操作维护手册中也有清楚的说明。所以,目前的结构必须根据STORK图纸改正。请注意: Max. length of vertical tube is 1000mm Gradients of connection tube Drain hole at lower end of connection tube. Orifice plate should be assembled at both of venting valve. 垂直管最大高度为100毫米。 连接管的倾斜角度。 连接管低端疏水孔。 Oxygen venting piping 排???管线布置图 排氧/汽阀门必须设置节流孔板。 The direction of check valve on steam balance connection is wrong, please keep in mind the flow direction of steam is form steam room to main steam inlet if function, otherwise the deaerator


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