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 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 60 摘要 本文主要提供了一个国内液压行业的发展状况,内燃机活塞销孔的结构的现状,活塞销孔的破坏形式,机车内燃机活塞销润滑系统防漏检测及防漏检测装置的设计,销孔结构设计的有关知识等,在此基础上,提出了销孔表面应力分布的新理论和曲面销孔结构设计的相关内容,对验证销孔结构设计,防漏检测合理性、可行性的试验方法进行了描述。 本论文的主要内容如下: 分析机车内燃机活塞销润滑系统的工作情况,结构特点,润滑回路系统的工作原理,分析说明了销孔配合间隙的确定方法。 探讨机车内燃机活塞销润滑回路的密封原理,并对检测装置拟定总体布置方案,并对方案进行可行性分析和论证和方案进行总体设计和零部件设计。 分析总结活塞销孔的失效形式,并对不同失效形式分析了原因。 收集整理有关液压元件的样本和资料,了解国内液压行业的发展状况,根据活塞销润滑原理拟定检测装置液压系统原理图 关键字:活塞、活塞销、活塞销孔、密封、润滑,液压系统 Abstract The thesis states current status of pin born construct design of internal combustion engine piston, breakage form of piston pin bore, and the concerned knowledge of construct design of pin bore, etc. It is based on the above knowledge, bring forward a new theory that is stress distribution on pin bore surface and calculation method of curved face of pin bore configuration, using finite element analysis method to calculate mechanical deformation of pin bore, piston temperature field and thermal deformation of pin bore, and it also depicts the verification method of rationality of pin bore construct. Taking design of piston configuration for example, it analyzes and calculates the construct value of each part on curved face under different pin bore configuration designs: (1)Pin bore theoretic diameter, (2)Equation of outer curved face of pin bore, (3)Equation of inner curved face of pin bore, (4)Stress distribution on pin bore surface, (5)fatigue safety factor of each part of piston, etc. According to the analysis results, define a optimized pin bore surface design, which will guide piston pin bore design in future. The main content of the thesis is as follows: Summarize essence rules of piston pin boss configuration and pin bore surface design, including horizontal and vertical profile rules of pin bore, analyze and specify the definition method of pin bore fitting clearance. Analyze piston force receipted and mechanical thermal


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