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毕业论文题目 薯类旋转重力式连续清洗机设计 PAGE iii  PAGE i JIANGXI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 本 科 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 题目: 薯类旋转重力式连续清洗机 学 院: 工学院 姓 名: 学 号: 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 年 级: 2009级 指导教师: 职 称: 副教授 二0一三 年 五 月  PAGE iv 摘 要 薯类旋转重力式连续清洗机是借圆台滚筒的转动,以原料在其中不断的翻转,同时用水管喷射水来冲洗翻动的原料,然后利用重力来筛除泥沙的等小颗粒杂物,以达到清洗目的;污水和泥沙由滚筒的网孔经底部集水斗排除。该机用于清洗薯类,本旋转重力式连续清洗机,是一种比较实用的食品初加工机械,它是由机械、电机、皮带传动系统、减速器、联轴器、轴承、螺旋式滚筒、冲洗水管、进出料机构组成。电机、减速器固定在机架上,电机与减速机相连,减速机通过联轴器带动滚筒而使用滚筒转动,滚筒内部有螺旋导轨,在旋转的同时,通过旋转导轨实行原料的推进, 本设计以食品加工为背景,对此工况下所要求的薯类清洗机结构进行设计与计算,对整个装置中的传动系统进行了运动力学分析及结构设计,对其驱动装置做了深入设计,并着重对其主要零部件进行了具体设计,包括螺旋导轨,轴径进出料口,槽体,计算选型。 本新型薯类旋转重力式清洗机具有结构简单,能耗低,工作可靠,制造成本低的优点。 关键词:清洗机,滚筒,螺旋导轨,槽体 全套图纸,加153893706 The Design of the Sweet Potato Washing Machine Auther: huang lang Guide teacher: zhang lu lin Abstract: Drum type washing machine is a cylinder by rotation.in which the raw materials continue to flip ,while high-pressure,Water and sediment from the bottom of the drum set by Pelton mesh discharged. Washing machine for sweet potato. The drum Washing machine,is a relatively early use of food processing machinery,which is from the rack,motor,reducer,coupling,bearings,spiral rollers,wash water,block plate,the material agencies .drum inside have a spiral Guides in the rotation,at the same time,promote food discharge. This design by food processing as the background, in this condition required by the potato washing machine structure design and calculation, the drive system in the entire unit movement mechanics analysis and structure design of the drive to do the detail design, and emphatically has carried on the detailed design, to the main parts include the screw guide rail, trunnion front-rear mouth, tub, the type selection calculation. This new type of drum type washing machine has benefits of simpl


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