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PAGE  PAGE 11 Assignment 第一章 1. Go through your daily newspaper and identify: (a) Seven news item of an international economic character; (b) the importance or effect of each of these news items on China economy (c) the importance of each of these news items to you personally 浏览报刊并做下列题目: 找出5条有关国际经济学的新闻 每条新闻对中国经济的重要性或影响 每条新闻对你个人有何影响 2. When the value of the US dollar falls in relations to the currencies of other nations, what do you think will happen to the quantity of US (a) imports? (b) exports? 当美元价值相对于其他国家货币下跌时,美国的进出口会有什么变化? 3. (a) What does consumer demand theory predict will happen to the quantity demanded of a commodity if its price rises (for example, as result of tax) while everything else is held constant? (b) What do you predict would happen to the quantity of imports of a commodity if its price to domestic consumers rose (for example, as a result of a tax on imports)? 根据消费者需求理论,当其他条件不变时,一种商品价格的提高(如由于税率的上浮所致),会带来需求量的什么变化? 根据消费者需求理论,一种进口商品价格的提高(如由于进口关税的上浮所致),会带来需求量的什么变化? 4. (a) How can a government eliminate or reduce a budget deficit? (b) how can a nation eliminate or reduce a balance-of-payment deficit? 一国政府如何能消除或减少预算赤字? 一个国家如何能消除或减少贸易逆差? 5. (a) How do international economic relations differ from interregional economic relations? (b) In what way are they similar? 国际经济关系与地区经济关系有何区别? 它们在哪些方面相似? 6. How can we deduce that nations benefit form voluntarily engaging in international trade? 我们如何能推断自愿性的国际贸易给一国带来的利益? 7. If nations gain from international trade, why do you think most of them impose some restrictions on the free flow of international trade? 如果说一个国家可以从国际贸易中获益,那你如何解释为什么许多国家又要对国际贸易施加某些限制? 8. Can you think of some ways by which a nation can gain at the expense of other nations from trade restrictions? 你能否想出一些方法可以使一国从使其他国家受损失的贸易限制中获益? 第三章 9. Why does a production frontier that is concave from the origin indicate increasing opportunity costs in both commodities? What does the slope of the production frontier measure? How does that slope


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