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第50 卷第24 期 机 械 工 程 学 报 Vol.50 No.24 2014 年 12 月 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Dec. 2 0 1 4 DOI :10.3901/JME.2014.24.115 高速列车通过隧道时的压力波动问题* 李人宪 袁 磊 (西南交通大学机械工程学院 成都 610031) 摘要:高速列车通过隧道时将会在隧道内引起相当复杂的气体压力波动,这是由于列车进入隧道时在隧道入口产生的压力波 在隧道内来回传递并与列车经过时的气体压力扰动相互叠加的结果。从车体强度设计和列车运行安全性角度考虑,希望了解 隧道内可能的最大气体正、负压力大小及其发生位置;气体压力波动与列车运行速度的关系。通过流体力学方程三维动态数 值计算,仿真分析列车高速通过隧道的过程。计算结果证明了入口压力波效应与列车经过的扰动效应的叠加关系,得到列车 通过时隧道内最大正压和最大负压发生的可能位置,以及最大正压值与最大负压值与车速间的关系式。可为高速铁路隧道和 高速列车设计提供参考。 关键词:高速列车;隧道;压力波;仿真分析 中图分类号:U211 Pressure Waves in Tunnels when High-speed Train Passing through LI Renxian YUAN Lei (School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031) Abstract :The air pressure wave pattern in a railway tunnel when a high-speed train passes through is quite complicated. This is because the pressure wave in the tunnel is a superposition of the entrance pressure wave, which is produced by the train entering the tunnel and is moved back and forth inside the tunnel, and the pressure perturbation at each particular points of interest produced by the train passing by. From the point of view for strength design of train bodies and security of train operation, the altitudes of the maximum positive air pressure and negative air pressure in tunnel, and the appearance positions of these air pressure peaks should be understood. The dynamic process of high speed trains passing through railway tunnels are simulated and analyzed by means of 3D numerical analysis of computational fluid dynamics equations. Superposition relation of the entrance pressure waves and pressure perturbation produced by the passing train is proved from the calculation results. The possible locations of the maximum positive and negative pressures


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