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Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Period Four Grammar:Nouns used as verbs Will/be going to for future actions 课件(外研版必修2,); ;2.一些表示某类人的名词也可用作动词。 例如:fool,spy,nurse,doctor,soldier,officer,father,mother,brother,host,man等,如: She nursed her husband back to health. 她照料丈夫,直到他恢复了健康。 We were hosted by members of the embassy. 我们受到大使馆成员的款待。 Our aim is to save the patient and not to doctor him to death. 我们的目的是救治病人,而不是把他治死。 He has soldiered in France in his youth. 他年轻时在法国当过兵。;3.许多表示物品的名词可以用作动词。 例如:book,pin,chair,map,seat,pencil,picture,bag,bottle,hammer 等,如: Did you book a seat on the plane?你订好飞机票了吗? Who chaired the meeting?谁主持会议?;4.一些表示其他实物的名词可以用作动词。 例如:house,room,bridge,flower,floor,dust,dam,oil,wolf,coat等, 如: You should oil that machine often. 你应该经常给那台机器上油。 The personal picture exhibition is housed in that building. 个人画展设在那座建筑里。;5.一些抽象名词可以用作动词。 例如:winter,battle,summer,hunger,time,number,breakfast,storm,lunch,anger 等,如: We lunched together.我们在一起吃了午餐。 This so angered us that we beat him up. 这使我们气愤得把他痛打了一顿。 The actual labor force numbered 12,000. 实际的劳动力有一万两千人。;注意:①有些名词和动词在转化时会发生元音改变或词尾变化。 blood n.→bleed v. sale n.→sell v. belief n.→believe v. advice n.→advise v. ②有时形式不变,但读音有区别。 第一类: excuse n.原谅;理由 v.原谅 use n. 使用  v. 使用 house [haus] n. 房子  [hauz] v. 提供住处 此类发音规则:“名清动浊”,即:名词时发清辅音[s];动词时发浊辅音[z];第二类: increase n. 增加  v.增加 Record n. 记录  v.录音;记录 此类发音重读:“名前动后”,即:名词重音在前,动词重音在后。;把下面题中画线的名词转化为动词填入该题的空格处,注意使用动??的适当形式 ①The nurse has to__________ the patient at the weekend. ②The boy__________ his teeth with a tooth-brush every day. ③The doctor advised her to take more exercise.So, to keep fit,she__________ twice a day. ④There were a lot of people near the post office.Can you__________ the letter for me? ⑤He was so ashamed that he hid his face in his hands.Id like to live in a room whose window__________ south. 答案 ①nurse ②brushes ③exercises ④post ⑤faces;二、一般将来时“w



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