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淮阴师范学院毕业设计 PAGE  PAGE 31 毕 业 设 计 学生姓名王 大 卫学 号170503030院 (系)电子与电气工程系专 业电子信息工程题 目无线远程控制LED屏设计 指导教师葛 恒 清 讲师/硕士 2009年05月 摘要:本设计主要研究了LED显示屏系统原理,分析了单片机控制显示屏的方法,并编程实现了显示的功能。其中,对控制电路部分所使用的元器件作了详细的介绍。基于LED大屏幕之上,又研究了无线远程控制温度显示的方法。从机通过单线温度传感器DS18B20获得温度数据,通过无线发射模块把温度数据发送给主机的无线接收模块,主机接收到了温度数据,在1602液晶显示模块显示出当前温度数值。在此过程中,对1602 字符型LCD显示模块进行了分析,编程并实现了字符显示的功能,同时,研究了无线收发模块和温度传感器DS18B20,编程模拟LED屏幕实现了无线远程控制温度显示。 关键字:LED,扫描原理,LCD,温度传感器,无线收发模块 Abstract:The research of the design mainly tenets the LED display system, analysing the methods of single-chip microcomputer to control the display and programming features of the display. Among them, the paper gives full details of some of the control circuit components. Based on the LED screen, it studies the method of wireless remote control showing temperature. The second machine access to the temperature DS18B20 sensor data by one-line, senting the temperature data to the host wireless receiver module by wireless transmission module, and the host receives the temperature data, showing the current temperature value in the 1602 liquid crystal display module. In this process, not only the 1602 character LCD display module was analyzed, but also the character display on LCD was realized, meanwhile the wireless transceiver module and Temperature Sensor were discussed, At last, the temperature display based on a wireless remote control was achieved on LCD. Key word: LED, scanning principle, LCD, temperature sensor, wireless transceiver module 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295907 中文摘要 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295910 英文摘要 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295914 1 绪论 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295915 1.1 LED大屏幕显示的意义 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295916 1.2 LED大屏幕显示的发展状况 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295920 1.3 实现的功能及研究的内容 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295916 1.3.1实现的功能 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295916 1.3.2研究的内容 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295923 2 LE显示屏系统原理 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc168295924 2.1 LED


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