
山地旅馆建筑与室外景观设计关系的研究 毕业论文.doc

山地旅馆建筑与室外景观设计关系的研究 毕业论文.doc

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毕业实践成果成果形式实习报告□ 毕业报告?题 目 山地旅馆建筑与室外景观  设计关系的研究 系 别 建筑系 专业班级 建筑设计2班 姓 名 学 号 指导教师  山地旅馆建筑与室外景观设计关系的研究  摘要 作为山地建筑,要尽可能的保持地形原貌,保证不破坏当地有没得自然环境,让建筑融入环境之中,依山势而建,尽少的填、挖土方!要减少填、挖土量。相对于一般的建筑环境,山地旅馆所处??地质、地形、地貌、土壤、植被和气候等方面均有较大的特殊性,其对生态系统的变化做出反应的可能性要比平地环境大得多。所以对建筑技术的依赖性要比平地建筑更加明显。比如在山地建筑的交通组织方面。为了适应山地地形的起伏变化,我们要尽量使山地地表成为山地旅馆的背景或组成部分,山地绿化环境的好坏直接影响着山地旅馆的景观效果。也就是说建筑布局在总体上应适应地形地貌特征、依山就势。“建筑也只有结合地形,才能犹如在地上生长一样千姿百态、优美动人 关键词:山地建筑 地形 地貌 环境 abstract As a mountain building, to keep the terrain as possible, ensure not to destroy the local natural environment, let the building into the environment, according to the Mountain, to do the least fill, dig earth! To reduce filling and DIG. Compared with the general construction environment, the geology, topography, landforms, soil, vegetation and climate of mountain hotels have great particularity, and the possibility of the change of ecosystem is much larger than the flat environment. So the dependence on architectural technology is more obvious than flat buildings. For example, in the traffic organization of mountain buildings. In order to adapt to the fluctuation of mountain terrain, we should make the mountain surface as the background or component of mountain hotel, the quality of mountain greening environment directly affects the landscape effect of mountain hotels. In other words, the layout of the building should adapt to the characteristics of the landform and the jiushi. architecture, also only combined with the topography, can be as diverse as on the ground, beautiful and moving Key words: topography environment of mountain building 目录 摘要------------------------------------------------------------------------


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