高考英语大一轮复习(梯级演练+强技提能)Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 牛津译林版必修4.doc

高考英语大一轮复习(梯级演练+强技提能)Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 牛津译林版必修4.doc

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PAGE  【世纪金榜】(江苏专用)2015年高考英语大一轮复习(梯级演练+强技提能)Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 牛津译林版必修4 Ⅰ. 单项填空 1. (2013·福建高考)The Forbidden City attracts a    stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays. A. constant   B. main   C. powerful   D. shallow 2. (2013·天津高考)I had hoped to take a holiday this year, but I wasn’t able to   . A. get away B. drop in C. check out D. hold on 3. (2014·泉州模拟)I turned back only to find an old schoolmate whose name    me for the moment. A. forgot B. failed C. escaped D. fled 4. (2014·鹰潭模拟)When I wanted to express my thanks to him, words   me. I just held his hands firmly and choked. A. left B. fled C. forgot D. escaped 5. The engine of the ship went out of order and the bad weather   the helplessness of the crew at sea. A. added to B. added up to C. resulted from D. resulted in 6. (2014·沈阳模拟)—I didn’t know your telephone number in Paris; otherwise, I   you. —Oh, I would rather you   me. A. would have called; had called B. would ring; call C. would have called; called D. would ring; had called Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. 我一到水面上, 就有人把我拉上了岸。 I was pulled onto the shore . 2. 护士不仅要求提高工资, 还要求减少工作时间。 a pay rise, but they want to reduce working hours. 3. 是我们采取措施保护环境的时候了。 that we measures to protect our environment. 4. 她想辍学的想法让我们很意外。 Her idea surprised all of us. 5. 一个人必须对自己有信心。 One has to himself. 6. 你认为你还能坚持多久? How much longer do you think you can ? 7. 至于你上封信上提到的问题, 我不能回答你。 in your last letter, I can’t answer you. 8. 十三世纪时, 这座城市是贸易中心。 The city a center of trade in the 13th century. 9. 他差点就被汽车撞倒了。 He narrowly by a car. 10. 你居然没听说过曼联, 真让我惊讶。 I you have never heard of Manchester United Football Club. Ⅲ. 话题写作 根据提示, 利用本单元所学知识, 完成下面的小作文。 1. 科学技术的不断发展给我们带来了许多便利。(constant, convenien


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