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Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come. 不管过去如何,过去都已经过去,最好的总是在未来等你 。;Part 4 exists as be put in order at the bottom of the test tube keep air out of 4. used to enjoy science 5. made real discoveries in their area of science 6. are supposed to 7. have won the Nobel Prize 8. be very proud of / take pride in 【课上巩固】 1) used to carry 2) be used to carry 3) got /was used to getting 4) make wise use of ;Answers to Language Study (Section 3) ;2. 【试一试】 1)common name 2)ordinary cat 3) as usual 【课上巩固】 1)common 2) ordinary / common people 3) usual Part 2Small words 1. mix A with B 2. v. conclude 3. v. react 4. v. equip a piece of equipment 5. boiling / boiled water 6. adj. balanced keep/ lose one’s balance 7. form / develop a good habit;8. give a lecture / make a speech 9. astonishing ; astonished much to one’s astonishment / to one’s great astonishment 10. n. electricity 电动牙刷 electric 以电为驱动力 用电设备 electrical 与电有关的;Parts 3 【想一想】 add …to … 2) added to 3) adds up to 4) Add up 【课上巩固】 1) B 2) A 3) C 2. it充当(形式)主语,分别指代 “to think of…” 和“to know…” 归纳: of / for 【课上巩固】第二句正确 1) It is foolish of him … 3) I don’t think it’s difficult for you… ;3. 【试一试】1) need 2) was 3) is; are 4. I think Mrs. Li was nervous and shy, perhaps as it was her first lesson with us. 因为 【课上巩固】 1. Many parts of China have suffered a lot, because there was a violent Typhoon Fitow. 2. Because of /As a result of a violent Typhoon Fitow, many parts of China have suffered a lot. 3. There was a violent Typhoon Fitow; as a result, many parts of China have suffered a lot. ; Answers to:Section 4 grammar focus 【想一想】 1. A is +倍数as + 形容词原级+as + B 2. A is +倍数 +比较级 than + B 3. A is +倍数 +the +名词 of + B 4. more and more 越来越… 5. the more …the more 越…就越… 6. the most adj. +of /among + in…. 7. not so /as …as不如… 8. the +比较级 of the two 两者比较加the 9. no +比较级 than 和…一样不… 【想一想】not / never


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