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第  PAGE 5 页 共  NUMPAGES 5 页 牛津英语模块3 Unit 2 基础练习 一、单项选择 1.I was surprised by his words,which made me recognized ______silly mistakes I had made . A.what B. that C.how D.which 2. It wasn’t until nearly a month later______ received the manager’s reply . A.since B.when C.as D. that 3. It was evening ________we reached the little town of Winchester. A.That B.until C.since D.before 4. Do you have any idea _______ is actually going on in the classroom?[来源:Zxxk.Com] A.that B. What C.as D.which 5. Danby left word with my secretary _______he would call again in the afternoon . A.who B.that C. as D.which 6. It is said ______ ______ was all ______he said . A.that that ,that B.what what ,what C.that which ,what D.that that ,which 7. He always thinks of ______ he can do more for the people. A.what B.how C.if D.whatever 8. Can you make a recommendation to you readers ______on the results of your survey? A.based B.basing C.to base D.base 9.Could you please tell us ______about the management of your school ? Well , you could _________with the headmaster. A.some informations, some words B.an information, a word C.some information, some words D.some information, a word  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 10.Many years of hard work_______ his great success in the development of this new type of material. A.due to B. thanks to C.contributed to D.looked into 1 HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1.Take ______ picture you like and leave the others to ______comes in late. A. whatever; who B. what;whoever C. whichever; whoever; D. which;whoever 12. _______is certain ______ the Normans took control of England in  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1066 and then English changed.[来源:Z.xx.k.Com



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