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第  PAGE 6 页 共  NUMPAGES 6 页 牛津高一模块三unit3单元测试试题 满分(100分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. — Look! How terrible his situation is! Could you help him — I’d like to help, but _______ I can’t. A. fortunately B. luckily C. unfortunately D. gradually 2. The persons that have the greatest influence _______ children are their teachers. A. for B. on C. to D. with 3. Tom was lucky in the accident, but his _______car is under repair. A. ruined B. remained C. destroyed D. damaged 4. After the earthquake, we can see the _______ of the village. A. damage B. destroy C. ruin D. ruins 5. At half past three in the afternoon the chairman_______ the meeting came to an end. A. decided B. announced C. declared D. informed 6. She gave us food and clothing and asked for nothing_______. A. in memory B. in favour C. in need D. in return 7. They would not stop until they had _______ South-east Asia, just as they had controlled Eastern Europe. A. take over B. take up C. take away D. take off [来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K] 8. Now that it has been well designed, the plan should be _______ immediately. A. carried out B. carried on C. carried away D. got out 9. Christmas Day is a Christian great day held on December 25th _______ the birth of Christ, ______ many events will be held. A. in honor of; when B. in memory of; which C. in the memory of; that D. in honor for; who  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 10. As I know, the old _______ well looked after by the government. A. are B. was C. is D. has 1 HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1. Each boy and each girl _______ asked to attend the meeting. A. is B. are C. were D. have 12. The students found many villagers _______ at the back of the classroom.



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