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’WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE;Theme: Restucturing the whole of american society to build a new justic America the author said”’where do we go from here ?’which is our theme” in the first paragraph. From this speech we can see that “here”means the situation that Negro is suffering a cruel and unjust treatment. Martin?Luther?King thereby pose a problem of how can we earn a bright ang justic future and call on the black people to fight for it. ;cautious :approximately(P1) substantially(p2) in the think of that day(P10) objective :in?Rogets?Thesaurus?there?are?120?synonyms?for?blackness?and?at?least?60?of?them?are?offensive. ironic :Ossie Davis has suggested that maybe the English language should be reconstructed so that teachers will not be forced to teach the Negro child 60 ways to despise himself… Firmpowerful :… the?Negro?must?boldly?throw?off?the?manacles of?self-abnegation?and?say?to?himself?and?to?the?world,?I?am?somebody.?I?am?a?person.?I?am?a?man?with?dignity?and?honor. ;Part 1: 1-2 Current situation Part 2: 3-5 One challenge: Assert the blacks dignity and worth from a long time of oppression Part 3: 6-9 Another challenge: Organize the blacks strength in terms of economic and political power by understanding the relation between power and love ;Part 4: 10-15 Create job opportunities for the blacks to drive to a guaranteed annual income Part 5: 16-20 Reaffirm our commitment to nonviolence Part 6: 21-24 Why should restructure the whole of American society Part 7: 25-28 Concluding part and inspire the blacks we would overcome ;WRITING SKILL


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