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英国成孤家寡人 The Lonely Bulldog Britain has found itself swimming against the tide in the last few days, after a European Union make-or-break summit to save the euro. The British PM David Cameron vetoed treaty changes for the 27-member bloc aimed at forging a tax and budget consensus to tackle the eurozone debt crisis. Mr Cameron argued he had to protect Britains financial services industry from further taxation and was praised by eurosceptic politicians in his Conservative Party who had urged him to show the bulldog spirit. The bulldog has become an unofficial symbol of the British spirit of independence and defiance. tae124.jpg But many in Britain believe that the decision to go it alone has put the bulldog in the doghouse. Opposition leader Ed Milliband fears the country could be left out of the loop in future decisions taken by the continental group. And the Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg, Camerons partner in a coalition government, has acknowledged that there is a real danger that over time the UK will be marginalised within the EU. Business leaders are also concerned about a perception that their country could become isolated in Europe. Ian Rodgers, director of the trade body UK Steel, says the domestic metals industry is dominated by foreign firms, which would make their investments in Britain on the basis that it was a key part of the European community. Across the English Channel, the British stance caused some irritation. According to the European Commissions president Jose Manuel Barroso, the UKs position on financial regulation represented a risk to the integrity of the single market. 英国成孤家寡人 欧盟就拯救欧元问题召开的峰会落幕后,英国发现他们在过去的几天里,一直逆流而行。 为了应对欧元区债务危机,27个欧元国旨在就改革税收和预算方案达成一致协议,但英国首相戴维·卡梅伦拒绝修改方案。 卡梅伦争论道他必须保护英国的金融服务产业免受日益加重的税收负担,保守党的右翼欧洲怀疑论者支持他的做法并怂恿他展示出“战斗精神”。“战斗精神”已经成了英国独立和反抗精神的非官方象征。 但很多英国人认为这一单干的决定会让英国遭到冷落。反对党领导人艾德·米利班德害怕此举会让欧盟做决定时不把英国考虑在内。卡梅伦在联合政府的搭档尼克·克莱格承认有朝一日英国会受到欧盟的排挤。 ??国的一些企业领导人也担心英国将被欧盟孤立起来。英国钢铁公司主任伊恩·罗杰斯表示国内的金属工业被国外企业控制着,这就使得国外企业对英国的投资将建立在英国对欧洲共同市场至关重要的基础之上。 英


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