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Hans Journal of Computational Biology 计算生物学, 2016, 6(1), 8-17 Published Online March 2016 in Hans. /journal/hjcb /10.12677/hjcb.2016.61002 ARN: Recombination and Visualization of Adipogenesis Regulation Network Information Yan Huang, Li Wang, Linsen Zan* National Beef Cattle Improvement Center, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest AF University, Yangling Shaanxi Received: Mar. 4th, 2016; accepted: Mar. 18th, 2016; published: Mar. 24th, 2016 Copyright ? 2016 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Excessive weight gain and obesity pose significant health challenges to many industrialized na- tions. Many metabolic disorders associated with cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis are directly linked to the increased production and size of adipose cells. Under- standing the molecular mechanism that underlies adipogenesis, the process by which adipose or fat tissue is formed, is thus of critical importance. However, the information fragmentation ham- pers the identification of key regulatory genes and pathways. Thus, it is necessary to provide an information center that is quickly and easily accessible to researchers in this field. In this study, we developed a publicly available database and web interface that serves as a resource for adi- pogenesis research. In ARN, nodes (genes and microRNAs) were collected using a text mining procedure followed by manual review and annotation by experts of this field. In total, 3054 nodes,


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