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金太阳新课标资源网  HYPERLINK  第  PAGE 7 页 共  NUMPAGES 7 页 金太阳新课标资源网 HYPERLINK  Section 3 Words and expressions from Unit 4 Wildlife protection die out 消失,灭绝 1. The English of today is very different from the English of500 years ago. In time, some even die out completely. 现在的英语与500年前的英语已大不相同,有一些甚至会在今后完全消失。 2. No one have come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur die out. 尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝做出一个令人信服的解释。 3. Many old customs are dying out. 很多古老的习俗正在消失。 hunt n. 狩猎,追捕,搜寻 v. 狩猎,打猎,搜索 1. Winter is the best time for hunting in mountain areas. 冬季是山区狩猎的最佳时间。 2. The hunt is on for the culprit. 正在搜捕该罪犯。 3. I had a good hunt for that key. 那把钥匙我找了好一阵子。 4. The police are on the hunt for further clues. 警方正进一步寻找线索。 5. He found it after a long hunt. 他找了很长时间才把它找到。 6. The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden. 猎人和我把动物赶出花园。 7. Wolves hunt in packs. 狼总是成群猎食。 in peace 安祥地 1. Please let me do my work in peace. 请让我安静地工作。 2. All the villagers live together in peace. 所有村民都和睦相处。 3. May he rest (ie lie in his grave) in peace. 愿他安息。[来源:Zxxk.Com] 4. The two communities live together in peace (with one another). 这两个社区和平相处。 in danger 在危险中 1. If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown. 任何人如帮助敌人危害本国,他的生命财产便被国家没收。 2. It portends we are in danger. 这预示我们陷入危险。 3. We should keep our composure in danger. 我们在危险的时候应该保持冷静。 4. You are in danger of catching a cold if you dont take any medicine. 如果你不吃药的话, 就有感冒的危险。 5. You are so kind-hearted that you always give me a hand when I am in danger. 你心肠真好, 总是在我危困时帮助我。 6. His life was in danger. 他有生命危险。 7. Dont apply for that job: youre in danger of overreaching yourself. 不要申请那份工作, 以免有不自量力之嫌。 8. You must keep sight of one fact: your life is in danger. 有一件事你必须明白, 你有生命危险。 in relief 浮雕一般 鲜明地 显着地 He saw the tower in relief against the sky. 他看到那塔耸立在空中,轮廓十分鲜明。 The young man carved a figure in low relief. 这个年轻人刻了一座浅浮雕人像。 His


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