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BAM-1020 Continuous Particulate Monitor 粒子监测仪 仪器性能特点 ? U.S. EPA Federal Equivalent Method for 使用PM10 /PM2.5 美国环保局认证的测试方法(FEM) ? Long term unattended remote operation of up to 60 days between site visits 通过站间互访,实现长达60天的无人职守远程操作 ? Very low operating costs 极低营运成本 ? Automatic hourly span checks 每小时跨度自动检查 ? Fast and easy field audits using common FRM audit tools 简单快捷的现场校准(通用的FRM校准技术) ? Bench top or equipment rack mounting in mobile or stationary shelters 可台式或利用支架安装在移动或固定监测点位 ? Rugged anodized aluminum, stainless steel, and baked enamel construction 强韧的氧化铝,不锈钢材质,以及烤瓷结构 ? Highly accurate, reliable, and mechanically simple flow system 高精确度,可靠简单的机械结构和气体流通系统 ? Hourly filter advances minimize effects on volatile compounds 每小时过滤技术可将挥发性化合物影响降至最低 ? Advanced Smart Heater technology precisely controls sample relative humidity 先进的智能加热器,可精确控制样品的相对湿度 ? Integrated datalogger allows the connection of up to six additional meteorological sensors 集成的数据记录器可连接多达6个气象传感器 ? Internal memory provides up to 182 days of digital data storage 内置存储功能可保存长达182天的监测数据 ? Data retrieval through RS-232 serial ports using direct PC connections, modems, printers, or digital data collection systems 通过RS - 232串口与电脑、调制解调器、打印机或数据采集系统连接进行数据检索。 Designations 产品称号 The Met One Instruments Model BAM-1020 has longstanding U.S. EPA designation as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) for continuous PM10 particulate monitoring. In addition, the BAM-1020 is the world’s first instrument to obtain U.S. EPA FEM designation for continuous PM2.5 monitoring, when configured with the specified settings and accessories. The BAM-1020 has also obtained corresponding certifications in other countries and regions. METONE的BAM-1020粒子监测仪已长时间获得美国环保局所认可的产品称号(联邦等价法FEM),对大气中颗粒PM10进行持续监测,同时该仪器还是世界首款通过美国环保局认可,用于监测大气颗粒物PM2.5的测量仪器,通过特殊设置与配件应用,可实现对PM2.5的测量。BAM-1020大气粒子监测仪还在世界多个国家和地区获得了同样的资质与认可。 Principle 测量原理 The BAM-1020 automatically measures and records airborne particulate concentration levels (in milligrams or micrograms per cubic meter)


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