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PAGE  PAGE 6 二零一三年山东省青岛市初级中学学业水平考试?????????????????? ??????????????????? ??? 英语模拟试题(一) 第一卷(共40分) 一.单项选择(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的正确答案。 1.--Would you like _______blue dress for your birthday ,Dear? ? --No, mom. I prefer _____white one. A. a, a? B. a, the? C. an ,a? D. the, an 2. These years ,people care more about the safety of _______.Everyone wants to eat healthily. ? A. clothes? B. buildings ? C. foods? D. transportation 3.Our school is going to hold the ______Culture Festive. ? I see. And about _____of the students will take part in _____ activities. ? A. tenth; one second ,ten? B .ten ;one third ,tenth C. tenth; two thirds ,ten? D. ten; one half, ten 4.Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what _______nice. ? A. feels? B. smells? C. looks? D. tastes 5.--I phoned you at 7:00 this morning .But there was no answer. --?Well, maybe I ______morning exercises at that time. A. was doing? B .did? C. is doing? D. would do 6.Have the apples ______before they ______. A. wash, are eaten? B. washed, are eaten? C. to wash, eat? D. washing, eating 7.--Look! It_____ again ! ? --Yeah. The weather’s so abnormal. This is the third snow we _______this spring. A. will snow ,are having? B. has snowed ,had had?? C. snowing, have had????? D. snows, have had 8. In order to balance the study and entrainment , every student is supposed to plan the time______. ? A. simple? B. carefully? C. pleasantly? D. specifically 9.--Helen, can I wear jeans and T—shirt to the school talent show? ? OK, but a dress might be _______. A. good? B. bad? C. better? D. worse 10._____you exchange 100 yuan for me? I _____have some 10-yuan notes. Let me see. ? A. Could, may? B. Should, might? C. Can, must? D. Will, would 11.John,you look so happy .Why? The Avenue of Stars is on tonight ,There is ____I like _____the program hosted by Lao Bi. ? A. anything ,but? B. nothing, more than? C. none, as? D. more ,t



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