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第42 卷第2 期 建 筑 结 构 Vol . 42 No . 2
20 12 年2 月 Building Structure Feb . 20 12
1 1 ,2
张明亮 , 李秋胜
(1 湖南大学土木工程学院,长沙 4 10082 ;2 香港城市大学建筑系,香港 1000 13 )
[摘要] 通过对吉林火车站的刚性模型风洞试验研究,得到了在有无周边建筑群干扰下屋盖表面的风压系数等值
[关键词] 大跨屋盖; 风洞试验; 平均风压系数; 脉动风压系数; 升力系数
中图分类号:TU3 12 + . 1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002 -848X (20 12)02 -0 148-06
Experimental study of wind load characteristics on a long-span complex roof structure
Zhang Mingliang1 ,Li Qiusheng1 ,2
(1 College of Civil Engineering ,Hunan University ,Changsha 4 10082 ,China ;
2 Department of Building and Construction ,City University of Hong Kong ,Hong Kong 1000 13 ,China)
Abstract :Based on the wind-tunnel test of rigid model of Jilin Railway Station ,the contours of the wind pressure
coefficients ,the variations of wind pressure coefficients and the lift coefficients of the roof were presented and discussed
with and without the surrounding buildings. The characteristics of the wind pressure distributions were analyzed . It was
found that negative pressures (suctions)occurred on the long-span roof in general ,the values of the lift coefficients of the
roof were negative ,and high negative pressure coefficients occurred on the eaves ,cantilevered roof and the bulge part of the
roof on the main station building . Relatively smaller suctions occurred on the platform awnings of the station because of
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