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Assessing organisational readiness for change prior to the introduction?of clinical guidelines in multidisciplinary stroke care;All health professionals and managers want to provide high quality clinical care that produces the best outcomes for patients;But results from national audits and other studies of outcome following stroke in the UK showed that…. Stroke care in the UK was suboptimal ;4;There was a need to influence clinicians to implement best practice ;However;The main study;?;Diagnostic analysis is recommended as a precursor to change ;Diagnostic analysis: theoretical underpinnings;;Diagnostic analysis: study design;Mixed method approach;Setting;Results: documents n=6;Patient interviews n=6;Results: Team Climate Inventory n=148/206 (72%);Results: staff interviews n=28; Barriers to change; Facilitators for change ;Change strategy: targeting barriers;Conclusion;23;24;Dunning, M., Abi-Aad, G., Gilbert, D., Hutton, H., Brown, C. (1999) Experience, Evidence and Everyday Practice. London: Kings Fund Publishing. Humphris, P. (1999) The Assisting Clinical Effectiveness (ACE) Programme. In Humphris, D., Littlejohns, P. (1999) Implementing Clinical Guidelines. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd. Iles, V., Sutherland, K. (2001) Managing Change in the NHS. Organisational Change. A Review for Health Care Managers, Professionals and Researchers. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation Research and Development. NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. (1999) Effective Health Care. 5(1): Great Britain: University of York. Ross, F., McLaren, S. (2000) The South Thames Evidence Based Practice (STEP) Project. Kingston University, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, Faculty of Health Care Sciences. ;/content/2/1/21


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