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Heart Cath and Heart Angioplasty
A heart cath is also called cardiac Heart cath(心導管術)亦稱為 cardiac
catheterization, cardiac cath or coronary catheterization、cardiac cath 或冠狀血管
angiogram. A heart cath shows blood 造影,可顯示心血管及心臟內部搏動的
vessels of the heart and the inside of the 狀況。手術實施時,一根被稱作導管的
heart as it pumps. A tube called a catheter
is put into a blood vessel in the top of your 管子將插入您大腿根部腹股溝處或手臂
leg in your groin or in your arm. It is then 處的血管,然後導入到您的心臟,最後
guided into your heart. Dye is put in through 向導管中注入造影劑,拍攝 X 光片。
the catheter and x-rays are taken.
Heart Cath and Heart Angioplasty. Traditional Chinese.
Narrowed blood vessels can lead to chest 血管變窄會導致胸痛或心肌梗塞。心
pain or a heart attack. A heart angioplasty, 導管氣球擴張術亦稱為 PTCA (經皮
also called a PTCA (Percutaneous 腔內冠狀血管成形術,Percutaneous
Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty) or
Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty)或
balloon angioplasty, may be done with
a heart cath if you have narrowed blood 氣球血管成形術,如果您的心血管變
vessels in the heart. With this procedure, 窄,可在施行心導管術時實施該手術。
a balloon on the end of the catheter will be 實施該手術時,將用導管端部的氣球撐
used to open up the blood vessel to improve 開血管,從而提高血流量。可以放置一
blood flow. A stent, which is a small, wire 個支架,即一種小型線管狀器械,使血
tube-like device, may be placed to keep the 管保持張開狀態。
blood vessel open.
Arrive on time for your procedure. You 準時到達以進行手術。您可能需要住院
may need to stay overnight in the hospital. 一個晚上。請安排一位成年親友送您回
Plan to have an adult family member or 家。
friend take you home.
To Prepare 準備工作
? Your doctor may order some tests such ? 醫生可能會要求您做一些檢查,如
as a chest x-ray, EKG and blood tests. X 光胸部造影、心電圖(EKG) 和
? Do not eat or drink anything, including 驗血等。
water, after midnight before your ? 手術前