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英文版培训合同(共8篇) 外教合同 中英文版 聘用合同 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT 聘用方: 受聘方: Employer:Employee: 受聘方(以下称为外籍教师)自愿来到深圳市**文化发展有限公司担任英语教师。聘用方和外籍教师本着友好合作的精神,同意签定合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 The Employee (hereafter referred to as “Foreign Teacher”) willingly comes to Shenzhen to be a teacher at ** Education. The Employer and the Foreign Teacher, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to all the obligations stipulated in it. 一、外籍教师职责 Foreign Teacher’s Duties and Responsibilities 1.合同期间,外籍教师需遵守公司的工作时间与公司规定,并且不允许在合同期内辞职。 The Foreign Teacher should comply with the schedule and regulations of ** Education, and he/she must not resign during the contract term. 2. 外籍教师必须提供真实有效的身??证件,如因证件原因产生的后果自行负责。 The Foreign Teacher must provide the real ID certificates, and be responsible for the consequences caused by the fake certificates. 3. 外籍教师应使用聘用方提供的教学材料,制定合适的教学计划,保证教学质量。 The Foreign Teacher will use the teaching materials provided by the Employer and will develop an appropriate teaching plan. The Foreign Teacher should apply this teaching plan to ensure the delivery of high-quality lessons. 4. 外籍教师主要的工作内容: The Foreign Teacher’s main working contents : a) 讲授语音课与口语课。 To teach Oral English Lesson. b) 担任口语大赛的评委。 To be a judge in the Oral English Competition. c) 组织备课和与家长学生互动活动。 To prepare lessons before class and organize interaction activities with parents and students. d) 若教学时间有变动,应服从聘用方的安排,不得有异议。 If the schedule of the classes is changed, the Foreign Teacher should obey the employer’s arrangement with no objection. e) 工作时间: 至6-8课时。 Working time: from Monday to Saturday, from to , with 6 – 8 classes per day. 5. 外籍教师同意在**文化发展有限公司三个分校任教(雁盟分校、桃源居分校、福永分校)。 The Foreign Teacher will teach in the three branch schools of ** Education which are Yanmeng branch, Taoyuanju branch and Fuyong branch. 6. 外籍教师在上课时间不得迟到,若迟到5分钟以上,每次罚款50元。 The Foreign Teacher must not be late for school. If he/she is late for school over 5 minutes each time, it will be a penal



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