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第一部分 WAFER EXPOSURE PARAMETERS 如何打开系统参数: 6型,7型,8型机 用命令“Gped sys_ param_file” 其他曝光机在主界面上选择“SETUP”,再选择“SET SYSTEM PARAMETERS”。 Judgement for focus shot :on/off 简单说明: 一般情况下,在NIKON曝光程序对应的SHOT MAP 中有两种符号“+”和“ * ”。其中 “ * ”代表对应的BLOCK的中心在距离圆片边缘3mm以内。曝光时,此BLOCK可以执行AUTO FOCUS 。“+”代表对应的BLOCK的中心在距离圆片边缘3mm以外。曝光时,此BLOCK不可以执行AUTO FOCUS。 “*”对应的SHOT 称为:focus shot。 “+”对应的SHOT 称为:fixed focus shot。 ON: Performs focus shot/fixed focus shot judgment during exposure and determines the shot on the basis of the result. OFF: Sets all the shots for which”+” has been specified on the shot map data of exposure data as fixed focus shots .However,focus shots are judged again. 此参数功能举例说明: 下图产品SS169的曝光图。 在曝光时,最右边一列的红色的“*”是经常发生边缘聚焦的位置。(因为此位置距离边缘太近了,在执行AUTO FOCUS 时,容易得到错误的信息)针对这种情况,我们可以把“*”改成“+”。并且把系统参数设置为Judgement for focus shot :off. (8型机默认“*”和“+”之间的区别,不用修改系统参数) * * * * * * * * * * * + + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 上述功能NIKON资料: change a focus shot (*)to a fixed focus shot (+) on the shot map and to skip auto focus operation,set the judgement of focus shotsystem parameter to off.If it isset to on the focus shot change on the shot map is ignored. 2 Shift focus position: intrashot/shot shift 简单说明 当一个BLOCK不能执行AUTO FOCUS 功能时,他就会执行SHIFT FOCUS 。此功能就是用来确定在什么位置执行Shift focus intrashot: Exeuted at a point in the shot where focusing is possible .A new focusing position is set within the area ih the shot where focusing is possible,and then focusing is done there.(After focusing ,the stage retures to the exposure position and exposure the shot is exposed) Shot shift :Executes at the center of a focusing substitute shot .When the center of the exposure is in an area where focusing cannot be done ,substutute shots in the vicinity are specified ( within a maximum of 24 shots),and focusing is done at the center of the


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