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培根散文随笔集第56章:Of judicature论司法|论法官(中英对照) 培根散文随笔集中英对照,通过阅读文学名著学语言,是掌握英语的绝佳方法。既可接触原汁原味的英语,又能享受文学 0 培根散文随笔集中英对照,通过阅读文学名著学语言,是掌握英语的绝佳方法。既可接触原汁原味的英语,又能享受文学之美,一举两得,何乐不为? 对于喜欢阅读名著的读者,这是一个最好的时代,因为有成千上万的书可以选择;这又是一个不好的时代,因为在浩繁的卷帙中,很难找到适合自己的好书。而培根的散文随笔,浓缩的不仅仅是文学,还是智慧。相信对阅读和写作都有很好的帮助。 Of judicature论司法|论法官 JUDGES ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law. 法官们必须记住,他们的职权是解释法律而不是制造法律或立法。 Else will it be like the authority, claimed by the Church of Rome, which under pretext of exposition of Scripture, does not stick to add and alter; and to pronounce that which they do not find; and by show of antiquity, to introduce novelty. 如若不然,它将如罗马教会所要求的权力一样; 罗马教会不仅假解释《圣经》之名,任意增添与改动,而且借复古之名,标新立异,宣传《圣经》中找不出来的东西。 Judges ought to be more learned than witty, more reverend than plausible,and more advised than confident. 法官应当学问多于机智,严肃多于贫嘴,虚心多于自信。 Above all things, integrity is their portion and proper virtue. 尊严是他们的本分与美德——这是最最重要的。 Cursed (says the law) is he that removes the landmark. “移动界石者应该受到诅咒”(犹太律说)。 The mislayer of a mere-stone is to blame. 放错界石的人要受到谴责。 But it is the unjust judge that is the capital remover of landmarks when he defines amiss of lands and property. 而不公正的法官,当他对田地与财产做出错误判决时,就是主要的移动界石者。 One foul sentence does more hurt than many foul examples. 一个不公正的判决比多个不正当的案例为害更大。 For these do but corrupt the stream, the other corrupts the fountain. 因为这些坏东西只是弄脏水流,而不公正的、肮脏的判决则败坏水源。 So with Solomon, Fons turbatus, et vena corrupta, est justus cadens in causa sua coram adversario. The office of judges may have reference unto the parties that use, unto the advocates that plead, unto the clerks and ministers of justice underneath them, and to the sovereign or state above them. 因此所罗门说,“正义者在邪恶者面前败诉,如同浑浊之泉,把井水弄浊”(拉丁文)。法官的职权可能跟诉讼者,与辩护者,跟自己下属的司法官吏,跟自己上面的君主或国家都发生关系。 First, for the causes or parties that sue. 第一,先说诉讼的双方。 There be (says the Scripture) that turn judgment into wormwood; and surely there be also that turn it int


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