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2010法律英语词汇集—JW 一、案例本 G.E. vs Siempelkamp Standard-form purchase order Order comfirmation Initiale Forum selection Choice of law clause 法律适用条款 Place of jurisdiction Principal place of business Summary procedures Bills of exchange Promissory notes Cheques File suit at Submit a Counteroffer A binding contract Bargained-for form Overreaching Judicial notice Filanto v.s. Chilewich Memorandum Agreement A letter of credit Arbitration agreement Arbitration clause Balance of contract A rejection of the order Bound by the written terms of The development of international sales law egal instruments 法律文书 Maritime trade 海商 Enact 颁布;制定 Codify 编纂 Law Merchant: 商人法;商业习惯法 Commercial Law: 贸易法;商业法规 Business Law:商业法 Modern sales law in the United States: the UCC and CISG Uniform Commercial Code-UCC Adopt/ adoption 正式通过 Bank deposit 银行存款 Secured transaction 担保交易 State legislatures 州立法机构 American law institute 美国法学会 Conflicts of law 法律冲突 Resort to 诉诸于 Applicable law 准据法 Choice of law clause 法律适用条款 Choice of law 冲突法中决定法律适用 Federal courts of the United States 联邦法院 Development of the CISG Legal code 法典 Legal system 法律制度;法系 Contract law in the developing countries Multinational corporations 跨国公司 Unconscionable contract 不公正合同 bargaining power 议价能力 Contract law In socialist countries Private enterprise私营企业 Contract law in the PRC: an illustration Repeal撤销 Joint venture 合资企业 Breach of contract 违约 Accounting regulations 会计规章 Quasi-criminal prosecution 准刑事起诉 Leasing contracts租赁合同 Warehousing contracts仓储合同 The 1999 contract law of China 99年合同法 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods-CISG UN Commission on International Trade Law-UNCITRAL 联合国国际贸易法委员会 Applicable可适用 applicability可适用性 General provisions 总则 Applicability of the CISG to international transactions Place of business requirement 营业地 Opt out 退出,排除 preemption 优先权preemptive Preempt asante technologies vs pmc construe 文义解释 remand 发回重审 international treaty 国际条约 representation 陈述



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