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沈阳理工大学应用技术学院学年论文 浅析酒店管理者应具备素质 学 生:张 伊 然 学 号专 业:酒店管理 班 级:10 20 81 指导老师:杨金忠 沈阳理工大学应用技术学院经济管理系 二O一二年六月 摘 要 近年来,随着国内旅游市场的快速发展和国外游客对中国的热情与日俱增,带动了中国酒店业近年的迅猛增长。在这一势头推动下,新建的本地酒店如雨后春笋般竞相开业,国际酒店集团也在中国大展拳脚,不断增加市场投入并扩大酒店网络。在未来数年,中国的酒店经营者会发现,吸引和聘用优秀员工变得越来越难。过去聘请员工容易且薪水低廉的情况将一去不复返。随着中国酒店业提供越来越多的工作机会,有关的人才市场也将出现供不应求的局面。有鉴于此,聘请经验丰富的员工所需成本将对酒店的收益产生巨大影响,这个问题在需要支付额外费用聘请新员工来取代现有员工时将更为突出。因此,对中国的酒店经营者而言,在2012年及以后,他们需要致力保留和培养其当前的人才团队。中国的酒店经营者应考虑加强员工指导培训计划,并把重点放在激励员工士气的举措上,提高员工对酒店的归属感。2012年,中国的酒店人的管理素质面临着挑战。提高管理素质是第一要务。 关键词:市场扩大 优秀员工 酒店经营者 管理素质 Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of domestic tourism market and the enthusiasm of foreign tourists increasing, driven by the rapid growth of the Chinese hotel industry in recent years. Driven by this momentum, the new local hotels have sprung up competing opened international hotel groups in China to flex its muscles, increasing investment in the market and expand the network of hotels. In the next few years, Chinas hoteliers will find, attract and recruit talented employees is becoming increasingly difficult. Hire employees easy and low-pay situation in the past will be gone forever. With the hotel industry in China to provide more and more job opportunities related to the talent market will outstrip supply. In view of this, to hire experienced staff the cost will be the proceeds of the hotel a huge impact, this issue need to pay additional costs to hire new employees to replace the existing staff will be more prominent. Therefore, in terms of hotel operators in China, in 2012 and beyond, they need to strive to retain and develop its current team of talent. Chinese hoteliers should consider strengthening the staff guidance and training programs, and to focus on initiatives to boost staff morale, improve employees sense of belonging to the hotel. In 2012, the quality of management of the hotel facing challenges. Improve the quality of management is a top priority.


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