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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 名师实例讲解雅思口语备考方法 雅思口语常考话题的覆盖面很广,因此学生经常困挠于不知如何准 备这些话题。南京智课外语学校周灵子老师建议将话题分类,将复习时 间量化,具体落实到每一天,每天在一到两小时左右。一起来看看具体 如何操作。 首先按照话题进行分类,分成超级高频的话题:主要是第一部分的 ,介绍个人情况的:hometown, hobby, study等;另一种是可以移花 接木的话题:主要是第二部分,包括人物people、节假日festivals and holidays、城市city及建筑architecture、派对parties、科技science and technology和发明invention等。精分一下则可以扩展至大约二十 几个。复习时间一个月左右,可以把所有话题过两遍 ,一天复习两个话 题,每个话题花一小时左右复习,一天用两小时练口语 具体操作方法如下 : 音乐类话题:Do you like music? 首先把相关的词汇都列出来, 然后把相关的表达都列出来。 When it comes to music, I would like to say xxx 黄金公式:观点 + 理由 + 例子 观点 : I love music. I married with music. I am addicted to music. I can’t live without music. I am a huge fan of Oasis. I have profound interests in classical music. 更多雅思口语备考技巧GET戳这里》》》 理由 : The singer’s voice is silvery/ magnetic/ angle-like. Music is a gift from the gods as I consider it the piece of work that no humans can possibly create. Music brings me comforts and warmth. Music is powerful. It changes my life fundamentally. Music serves as my salvation when I am feeling blue. Classical music is so soothing, so tranquil, it caresses my soul. The lyrics evoke people’s thinking. The lyrics are poetic/ romantic. When I am listening to the light music, I can see the green grass vividly, I can smell the fragrance of the flowers, I can touch the transparent water flowing in the streams. 例子: My favorite song is windflowers. It sings about the eternal topic of love and it is so lamenting and enlightening. I can even memorize the lyrics: it captures every young dreamer who lingers near them, and they can never break away. My favorite band is Dire Strait. Their style is unique; actually, they created a new style. The rhythms are definitely pleasant and the lyrics set people thinking 智课南京雅思培训秋季特训班火热招生中 ,提前报名享优惠! 智课南京雅思培训高分学员


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