
牛津高阶发布 盘点2015年新兴词语解析.doc

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牛津高阶发布 盘点2015年新兴词语解析

牛津高阶发布 盘点2015年新兴词语解析 The latest quarterly update to Oxford Dictionaries sees a wide range of words, definitions, and senses added to the dictionary. Here is a selection of some of the new words and senses from this quarter’s update: 牛津在线词典最新季度的更新收录了涵盖各个方面的单词、定义和含义。下面选取了一些本季度的新词新义: ship Ship was originally an abbreviation of relationship, and refers to a romantic relationship between two characters in a fictional series – often one that is supported by fans rather than depicted in the series itself. Ship起初是单词relationship(关系)的缩写,用来指电视剧中两个虚构角色之间的恋情——而且通常是粉丝们所支持的,而不是剧集本身所描写的那对。 You might find these relationships portrayed in fan fiction or online discussion; those who have a particular interest in a particular ship are known as shippers, which is another word entering Oxford Dictionaries Online in this update. 这类恋情往往是通过粉丝写的同人小说或者网络讨论描绘出来的。那些粉某一特定ship的人会自称shipper——这个单词也同样在这次更新中入驻了牛津在线词典。 Support for one of these relationships is described with the verb ship – for example, ‘I will always ship Sherlock and Molly. Ship作动词时可以表达对某种感情的支持,比如:“我会永远ship夏洛克和茉莉。”(英剧《神探夏洛克》中的台词) thing Thing is far from a new word, but a new sense has developed over recent years. thing并不是一个新词,只是近年来这个词又被赋予了新义。 Describing something as a thing is now used informally to indicate that something is an established or genuine phenomenon or practice – often registering surprise or incredulity. 现在用thing来描述某事物,是用来表示这种现象或行为是确定的、真实存在的,是一种非正式的说法——通常用于表达惊奇或是不可思议的事物。 For example: ‘he looks like he’s wearing boxers underneath his trunks (is that a thing?). 比如:“他看起来好像在泳裤下面还穿了平角裤——真的是这样吗(is that a thing)?” bikeable Several words from the world of cycling are included in the May update. The adjective bikeable is used to describe an environment which is suitable or safe for cyclists – whether that be a city centre which has cycle lanes or a terrain which won’t endanger life and limb. 在五月的更新里,收录了几个出自单车运动领域的单词。其中,形容词bikeable用来描述某环境是“适于自行车骑行的”——可能是置有自行车道的市中心,也可能是一段不会危及人身安全的地形。 sportiv


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