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2004 14 12 J M ed Imaging Vo . 14 No. 12 2004 # # 1 HMRS 1 2 彭洪娟 综述, 赵 斌 审校 ( 1. 2500 12; 2. 2500 12) = , 20 80 1 , STEAM PRESS H MRS , 1 , MRS , H MRS = ; ; : R445. 2 ; R811. 3 : A : 1006- 9011( 2004) 12- 1033- 0 3 The principle and imaging techni que of 1 H MRS PENG H ong-j uan , ZHA O Bin. Shandong Univ ersity Medica Co eg e, Jinan 250012, China 1 = Abstract H MRS is the on y noninvasive method providing information on biochemica profi e of tissue in vivo ,w hich has been used in c inic since the ate 1980s. Its princip e inc udes chemica shift and spin- coup ing. Accurate spatia oca ization is the key to measure correct y. Current y, STEAM and PRESS are the common spatia oca ization technique.Many f actors aff ect the sensitivity of 1 H MRS, in- c uding the natura richness and intrinsic sensitivity of nuc earabi ity of scannerthe position and vo ume of voxe contrast f actor et a . In a , many factors aff ect the sensitivity of 1 H MRS w hich shou d be considered of a . We reviewed the princip espatia oca ization tech- nique and the aff ecting factors of 1 H MRS. = Key words Magnetic resonance spectroscopy ; Spatia oca ization; Aff ecting f actor 1 [ 1] ( H magnetic resonance spectroscopy, ( CS) , MRS) ( , MRS ) , MRS 1 MRS , , ( free MRS induction decay signa , FID) 1973 , 31 , Moo


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