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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目:基于JAVA EE的移动数据报表系统的设计与实现 原创性声明 兹呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果。除文中已经明确标明引用或参考的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。 声明人(签名): 日期: 年 月 日 基于JAVA EE的移动数据报表系统的设计与实现 【摘要】 近年来,每逢假期全国各地旅游景区均会出现较为严重的人流量拥堵的问题,不仅会带来很多安全问题,而且对旅游品质也会造成一定影响,让游客不能完全享受到旅游的过程。所以,需要一个能向用户管理者展现游客数据系统。[1]。 游客大数据分析系统是基于JAVA EE 和Orcle 11g[2]的一款实时统计福建各景点游客人数的系统,应用MVC模式。实现了B/S信息交互,使用Tomcat第六版作为服务器端。采用bootstrap等技术作为前端的主要框架,结合JavaScript、DWR、jQuery、 EasyUI[2]等技术做后端开发。最后使用Echart报表组件实现对数据的呈现以及对比。系统功能主要分为:报表的展现、数据维护、系统管理。报表的展现主要包括了市级数据统计,景区数据统计。数据维护是针对对景区,小区等信息的管理。系统管理则是对用户,菜单等后台服务进行管理。 【关键字】 Design and Implementation of JAVA EE Based Mobile Data Traffic Report System [Abstract] In recent years, as the holidays become more and more,the scenic area all over the country will appear serious congestion phenomenon.It will bring lots of security issues and on the quality of tourism will also cause a certain impact, so it will impact visitors to enjoy the travel process. So, it needs a system that can show the visitors data in real time to the users and managers. Tourists mobile data traffic report system through information to mobile visitors, the location of the feedback sampling, will be able to effectively grasp where tourists, travel time characteristics of analysis and statistics, to provide real-time traffic monitoring and management of scenic spots. Large data analysis system is based on EE Orcle and 11g[1] JAVA, a real-time statistics of the number of tourists in Fujian system, the application of MVC model. B/S information to achieve the interaction, using the sixth version of the Tomcat as a server. Using bootstrap and other technologies as the main framework, combined with JavaScript, DWR, jQuery, EasyUI and other technologies to do back-end development. Finally using Echart report components to achieve the presentation and comparison of the data. System functions are mainly divided into: the presentation of the report, data main


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