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王长喜考研单词,周计划 :单词 考研 计划 王长喜 背考研单词软件哪个好 英语考研单词书推荐 王长喜单词听力 篇一:王长喜老师 专四阅读周计划 第一周星期四 星期4 Thursday A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。 The dog, called Prince, was an intelligent animal and a slave to Williams. From morning till night, when Williams was at home, Prince never left his sight, practically ignoring all other members of the family. The dog had a number of clearly defined duties, for which Williams had patiently trained him and, like the good pupil he was, Prince lived for the chance to demonstrate his abilities. When Williams wanted to put on his boots, he would murmur 揃oots?and within seconds the dog would drop them at his feet. At nine every morning Prince ran off to the general store in the village, returning shortly with not only Williams?daily paper but a half-ounce packet of Williams?favorite tobacco, John Rhine抯 Mixed. A gun-dog by breed, Prince possessed a large soft mouth specially evolved for the safe carrying of hunted creatures, so that the paper and the tobacco came to no harm, never even showing a tooth mark. Williams was a railway man, an engine driver, and he wore a blue uniform which smelled of oil and oil fuel. He had to work at odd times ?揹ays? 搇ate days?or 搉ights? Over the years Prince got to know these periods of work and rest, knew when his master would leave the house and return, and the dog did not waste his knowledge. If Williams overslept, as he often did, Prince barked at the bedroom door until he woke, much to the annoyance of the family. On his return, Williams?slippers were brought to him, the paper and tobacco if previously delivered. A curious thing happened to Williams during the snow and ice of last winter. One evening he slipped and fell on the icy pavement somewhere between the village and his home. He was so badly shaken that he stayed in bed for three days, and not until he got up and dressed again, did he discover that he had lost his wallet containing over fifty pounds. The house w


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