主题:和平 反战 英语演讲PPT.ppt

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主题:和平 反战 英语演讲PPT

* peace 宗 教, 政 治, 哲 学 Religion, politics, philosophy freedom。 war。 death。 freedom。 war。 death。 After the 9.11 incident ,in the United States, A little girl’s recitation standing in the ruins, is more powerful than the president’s speech. It addressed the American tears and let people’s heart fibrillat. This poem across the globe quickly. 美国9.11事件后,一位小女孩儿站在废墟上的朗诵,是比总统致辞更让我们泪涌而心颤的声音。这首小诗一夜间传遍全球。 ?When war begins then hell opens. 战争一开始,地狱门敞开。 Do?not?stand?at?my?grave?and?weep? I?am?not?there;?I?do?not?sleep.? I?am?a?thousand?winds?that?blow,? I?am?the?diamond?glints?on?snow,? I?am?the?sun?on?ripened?grain,? I?am?the?gentle?autumn?rain.? When?you?awaken?in?the?mornings?hush? I?am?the?swift?uplifting?rush? Of?quiet?birds?in?circling?flight.? I?am?the?soft?starlight?at?night.? Do?not?stand?at?my?grave?and?cry,? I?am?not?there;?I?did?not?die. 自译: 请不要站在我的墓前哭泣 我不在这里 我没有沉睡 我是原野上一千遍吹过的风儿 我是纯白雪地里耀目闪烁的宝石 我是收获时节 暖暖的橘色阳光 我是安静的 秋天的雨 当你在早晨静静醒来 我是向苍穹急冲的海燕 时而又悄然盘旋在你的身侧 我是夜晚 自天幕如水洒下的星光 请不要站在我的墓前哭泣 我不在这里 我没有死去 提到战争,我们不得不面对“死亡” Mention the war, we have to face death “……在前线,我为所目睹的一切痛苦不堪:我们肮脏得自己都难以忍受,浑身虱子而且不时饥寒交迫;听到的是枪炮声与轰炸声,要不就是牺牲的人在临终前的惨叫声;看到的是硝烟弥漫、一片火海以及遍地血流和尸体。前线是一个神秘的漩涡……我总觉得那涡流的吸引力正在缓慢地、无法逃避地、不可抗拒地把我吸进去。我不住的为濒临死亡、走向天国的战友默默地祷告,但每次祷告都被现实彻底击碎,我在战场上变得有些唠唠叨叨,在看到一个人的死亡之后,我不禁自言自语道:‘ 我亲眼看见他死去,在这之前我还不知道死是怎么一回事。’ ……” —— 书 摘 This is an English language film (made in America) adapted from a novel by German author Erich Maria Remarque. The film follows a group of German schoolboys, talked into enlisting at the beginning of World War 1 by their jingoistic teacher. As the boys witness death and mutilation all around them, any preconceptions about the enemy and the rights and wrongs of the conflict disappear, leaving them angry and bewildered. The film is not about heroism but


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