高中英语月考作文 ok.ppt

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高中英语月考作文 ok

* 假如你是英语报纸English Corner栏目的编辑,名叫李华,现在有一名学生向你请教如何学好英语。下面你就如何学好英语以书信的形式给他提出几条建议。 editor编辑 director 导演 give advice/suggestions on how to learn English well 注意:适当添加内容进行导入信件内容 Dear LinTao, I am an editor of English Corner. I’ve received your letter asking me to give you some advice on how to learn English well, here are some of my suggestions: 1。每天早上大声朗读英语单词、句子以及短文至少半个小时。并且努力去记住部分的单词、句子及尽量背诵一些短小优美的文章。 2。经常进行大量的课外阅读,并在阅读时养成查字典的好习惯。 3。每天应安排一些时间进行听力练习,可以从网上下载听力内容,如是一个可以提供听力练习的很好的网站。 4。只要你能充分利用你的业余时间来学习英语,你的英语就会很快地得到提高。 1。每天早上大声朗读英语单词、句子以及短文至少半个小时。并且努力去记住部分的单词、句子及尽量背诵一些短小优美的文章。 注意拼写: sentences, articles, short passages, recite 至少半小时: at least half an hour 至多: 努力记住: try to remember, try hard to memorize 背诵: recite 短小优美: short but good short but nice/ useful/ helpful/ impressive 建议某人做某事:suggest sb doing/ that sb (should) do advise sb to do/ that sb (should) do It is suggested that sb (should) do 1。每天早上大声朗读英语单词、句子以及短文至少半个小时。并且努力去记住部分的单词、句子及尽量背诵一些短小优美的文章。 注意:对复杂句子进行分解,句中一些重复内容可作适当省略,恰当地进行断句、重组与意译. First of all, I suggest you reading the English words, sentences and short articles aloud for at least half an hour. Meanwhile, you should try hard to memorize most of them. If possible, you can try to recite some short but useful passages. 2。经常进行大量的课外阅读,并在阅读时养成查字典的好习惯。 大量的: different kinds of, a great many, a great number of, various, a variety of, 课外阅读: extracurricular reading after-school reading read a variety of books after school 养成习惯: develop a habit of doing sth form a habit of doing sth 查字典:look the new words up in the dictionary 2。经常进行大量的课外阅读,并在阅读时养成查字典的好习惯。 注意:将复杂、陌生的词组翻译简单化,尽量使用平常学过的词组,注意使用恰当的过渡词或过渡段落。 Moreover, it is suggested that you (should) read a great variety of books after school. While reading, you should also try to develop a habit of looking new words up in the dictionary. 3。每天应安排一些时间进行听力


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