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第 27卷 第4期 中国给 水排 水 Vo.l 27 No. 4 2011年 2月 CHINA ATER ASTE ATER Feb. 2011 微污染物的影响评价及其去除技术 郝晓地, 申天尧, 王崇臣 (北京建筑工程学 可持续环境生物技术研发中心, 北京 100044) : 传统污水处理只关心对有机物和营养物的去除,并未涉及对微污染物和新兴纳米材 料污染物的控制关于微污染物对环境与人体健康的潜在影响与危害,目前人类还知之甚少,所以 应建立起有效的预警机制,这就需要建立切实有效的微污染物影响评价方法和寻求适当的去除技 术在简要评述已有微污染物影响评价方法的基础上, 着重介绍了毒理学 (TKTD)动态数学模型 在评价微污染物影响方面的作用与应用为应对污水中存在的微污染物,介绍了几种可有效去除 污水中微污染物的技术方法同时,根据微污染物的来源与污水处理技术的局限,强调对微污染物 的源头控制 : 微污染物; 纳米污染物; 毒理学 (TKTD)模型; 影响评价; 污水处理; 源头 控制 : X703 : B : 1000-4602(2011) 04- 0009- 06 I m pact A ssessm en t and R em oval Technologies of Trace Con tam inan ts HAO Xiaodi, SHEN T ianyao, ANG Chongchen (R and D Centref or Susta inab le Environm entalB iotech nology, Be ij ing Un iv ers ity of C iv il Eng ineering and A rch itecture, B eij ing 100044, Ch ina ) Abs tract: Conventionalwastewater treatment is only concerned in removal of organics and nutri ent, and itgenerallyhasnothing to dowith controlof tracecontaminantsandnanopollutantsemerging re cently. The potential mi pact andhazards of trace contaminantson the environment and thehumanhealth are rarely understood, and so an effective prediction system has to be established. Therefore, it isneces sary to establish some effective mi pact assessmentmethodsand to study for appropriate removaltechnolo gies. Based on a brief review of the existing mi pact assessmentmethodsof trace contaminants, the func tion and application of the toxicokinetic/toxicodynam ic(TKTD)models in the mi pact assessment of trace contaminantsaremainly introduced. Facing trace contaminants inwastewater, several effective removal technologies are reviewed. In themeanwhile, sou


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