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Retinal Tears and Detachment retina The retina is the lining in the back of the inside of the eye. It sends messages to the brain so you can see. back front of of When the retina pulls away from eye eye the inside of the eye, tears, holes or detachment can occur. Signs of Retinal Tears and Detachment Retinal tears or detachment are painless. Signs include: • Sudden increase in floating spots in your vision • Sudden flashes of light in one or both eyes • A shadow or curtain over part of your vision • Sudden blurry or decreased vision Your Care If you have any signs, see a doctor called an ophthalmologist right away. Retinal detachment is a medical emergency. If not reattached quickly, permanent vision loss can occur in the affected eye. Prompt medical care and treatment can save your vision. Your doctor will check your eye to find what is causing your signs. If a retinal tear, hole or detachment is found, surgery is done. If a tear or hole is treated before detachment occurs, you will likely retain most of your vision. 1 視網膜撕裂和脫離 視網膜 視網膜是眼內背後的一層內襯 膜。視網膜向大腦發出訊息,使 人產生視覺。 眼後 眼前 視網膜與眼睛內部分離時,可能 部 面 發生撕裂、穿孔或脫離。 視網膜撕裂和脫離的症狀 視網膜撕裂或脫離不會產生痛 感。症狀包括: • 眼前漂浮的斑點突然增加 • 單眼或雙眼突然有閃光的感覺 • 眼前出現陰影或遮幕 • 視力突然模糊或下降 護理 如果有任何症狀,須立即找眼科醫生。視網膜脫離是急症,如果視 網膜不迅速復位 ,受影響的眼睛可能永久喪失視力。迅速就醫診治 可挽救視力。 醫生會檢查眼睛,尋找癥結。如果發現視網膜撕裂、穿孔或脫離, 則須進行手術。如果能在發展到脫離前就對撕裂或穿孔進行治療, 有可能保住大部分視力。 Retinal Tears and Detachment. Traditional Chinese. 1 Treatment for small holes or tea


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