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合辦機構 持續教育學院 School of Continuing Studies 建築物防漏水工程師專業證書 課程 Professional Certificate in Water Leakage Management for Engineers 課程簡介 Course Introduction 本課程透過講解、討論、個案研究、示範、報章分享、圖片、圖則、多媒體、報告、物料說明書等,並以淺顯易明的方 式,使各學員能在短期內能掌握一般漏水處理及防水補漏的知識,從而解決日常遇到的建築物漏水投訴及維修問題。 This course provides the practical knowledge through lectures, discussions, case study, demonstration, sharing of news on media, pictures, multi-media, academic reports, material catalogues etc. Besides, the lectures are delivered in simple and practical ways to make the students easier to catch up the general knowledge of solutions for water seepages and leakages so that the students can handle water seepages and leakages complaints and repairing afterwards. 教學目標 Objectives 讓學員能掌握相關專業知識,提升相關技術及學以致用,並於此行業繼續發展,持續自我進修成為專業技術人員。 To make learners pick up relative professional knowledge, enhance their technology and apply the knowledge in future career development. Besides, this course aims to act as continuous professional development to let the learners become professional technical specialist. 課程大綱 Course Outlines  建築物漏水簡介  漏水的基本知識 (水的特性、變化、來源等)  一般漏水之處理程序及方法/漏水的種類 (窗邊 、牆壁漏水、天台漏水等) 。  Introduction of Buildings Water Seepages / Leakages  Basic knowledge of water seepages (Sources and characteristics of water)  General handling process for water seepages/ different types of water seepages and water leakages (Windows, walls and roof leakages)  漏水問題處理及漏水成因  漏水的種類(水缸、泳池、天幕等漏水) / 漏水特徵及成因及建議 / 處理方法 / 漏水投訴跟進 / 責任承擔/管理公司處理漏水投訴 之程序。  Causes of Water Seepages / Leakages Handling Methods  Types of Water Seepages / Leakages (Water tank, Swimming pool, Glass canopy / atrium) / characteristics and sources of w


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