
孤独星球 LP 俄罗斯莫斯科 Lonely Planet Moscow 2012 旅游攻略.pdf

孤独星球 LP 俄罗斯莫斯科 Lonely Planet Moscow 2012 旅游攻略.pdf

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孤独星球 LP 俄罗斯莫斯科 Lonely Planet Moscow 2012 旅游攻略.pdf

Contents Plan Your Trip WELCOME TO MOSCOW MOSCOW’S TOP 10 WHAT’S NEW NEED TO KNOW TOP ITINERARIES IF YOU LIKE… MONTH BY MONTH WITH KIDS LIKE A LOCAL FOR FREE EATING DRINKING NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT SHOPPING TOUR OF THE METRO Explore Moscow KREMLIN KITAY GOROD TVERSKOY PRESNYA ARBAT KHAMOVNIKI ZAMOSKVORECHIE BASMANNY TAGANKA DOROGOMILOVO SPARROW HILLS DAY TRIPS FROM MOSCOW SLEEPING Understand Moscow MOSCOW TODAY HISTORY ART ARCHITECTURE LITERATURE CINEMA PERFORMING ARTS Survival Guide TRAN SPORT DIRECTORY A–Z LANGUAGE Welcome to Moscow During any season, any hour of day, Moscow thrills visitors with its artistry, history and majesty. Kremlin Red Square Moscow started in the 12th century as a triangular plot of land – a smallish fort – perched atop Borovitsky Hill. Surrounded by a wall for protection, the fort contained the earliest settlement, while ceremonies and celebrations were held on the plaza outside. The fort, of course, is the Kremlin, while the ceremonial plaza is Red Square – still at the heart of Moscow historically, geographically and spiritually. Performing Arts The classical performing arts in Moscow are still among the best and cheapest in the world. But New Russia comes with new forms of entertainment. Nowadays, even the most traditional theatres are experimenting with innovative arrangements and cutting-edge choreography, reviving lost favourites and hosting world premieres. Sometimes debauched and depraved, sometimes intellectual and inspiring, Moscow ’s performing arts are always eye-opening. And if you ’re not into that, there’s always Swan Lake, which is lovely too. Communist History The remains of the Soviet state are scattered all around the city. Monuments remember fallen heroes and victorious battles, while museums attempt to analyse and synthesise the past. Some of the sites evoke whimsy, such as Art Muzeon Sculpture P


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