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车床史话on ye art and mysterie of turning
on ye art and mysteries of turning 艺术与车床奥秘 主讲:周燕飞 前言INTRODUCTION 每个人都可以要求自己成为发明家吗?我们人类社会从来就拒绝神话,从与邪恶作斗争的神奇英雄到揭示自然奥秘、改变人类恶劣的生存条件科学界和工业界的英雄的壮举已经证明了这一点。而这些英雄们壮举又被发明者作为新神话来所崇拜,使我们关于技术历史的思想和教育被“第一个是谁”的思想笼罩着。让我用“第一个是什么?”这个更本质的问题来反驳吧。大多数发明是顺序渐进的,不会一出现就羽翼丰满地进入人们的生活。这没有比车床的发展历程更好的例子了。她是机床之母,唯一的通过其本身可以制造出来的机床。通过以下车床发展的图片,我希望表明同样想法可能反复产生,但是,在缺乏想象、技术和应用背景的情况下,一般而言,这些想法只能一次次沉睡,只有这三个因素度满足的情况下这种沉睡才能苏醒。 Can any man lay claim to be the inventor of anything? Our society, robbed of legend during the enlightenment turned instead from mythic heroes who slew dragons to scientific and industrial heroes who unearthed the mysteries of nature and tamed the unruly and precarious conditions of our existence. Part of this new mythology was the cult of the INVENTOR, and much of our thinking and education on the history of technology is clouded by thoughts of who was the first? Let me counter this with a question of a more useful nature...what was the first? Inventions for the most part evolve, and do not spring into fully fledged life at the touch of godlike geniuses. No better example is there than the Lathe, the queen of machine tools, and the only self replicating machine tool. In the following series of illustrations, I hope to show that the same ideas are born over and over again, but, because of lack of imagination, lack of technology or lack of application are fated to slumber once more in the collective gestalt until all three factors for their resurgence are met. earliest picture of a lathe From remaining artifacts, it can be shown that the lathe was in existence by 1000 BC. This Egyptian drawing from the 3rd century BC is the earliest known illustration. By 600 B.C., the lathe had been spread by the expansion of Celtic cultures over Europe - reaching from Scotland to the Crimea and from Denmark to Spain. The motive power of this Egyptian lathe is provided by the assistant on the right, but this was soon done away with by the use of a bow with its string wrapped around the work, power
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