口语--ask for direction.doc

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口语--ask for direction

Asking for directions Excuse me is there a cafe nearby?麻烦一下,这附近有咖啡店吗? Excuse me, where is the Sheraton hotel? 麻烦一下,哪里有喜来登酒店?/ where is the nearest café? 最近的咖啡馆在哪里? Most frequently-asked places 最常问的地方 a net bar 网吧 a W.C.(washing closet), toilet(英) a bathroom洗手间(美) a washing room 洗手间 a bank银行 a school学校 a hotel旅馆 a post office邮局 a restaurant饭店 a gas station加油站 Could you tell me the way to the Tian’anmen Square?告诉我天安门广场怎么走好吗?/How can I get to Tian’anmen Square?到天安门广场怎么走? Tourist attractions in Beijing the Forbidden City故宫 the Summer Palace 颐和园 the Yonghe Lama Temple雍和宫 the Temple of Heaven天坛 the Ming Tombs十三陵 China Science and Technology Museum中国科技馆 the Great Hall of the People人民大会堂 the Monument to the People`s Heroes人民英雄纪念碑 the Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao毛主席纪念堂 Just go straight ahead and turn left at the first crossing.一直向前走,在第一个拐角处左转。 go straight ahead 一直向前走 eg. go straight ahead towards the building.一直朝那幢建筑物走 Turn left/ right 往左转,往右转 crossing十字路口 block街区 T shaped crossing丁字路口 at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口 turn left at the first crossing 在第一个路口转弯 at the traffic light 在信号灯turn left at the first traffic light在第一个信号灯左转 overpass人行天桥 underpass地下通道 pedestrian crossing 人行横道 a. 1.呆板的,平凡的 2.供行人使用的 n.行人 crosswalk 人行横道 avenue 路、街 n. 林荫道,大街;途径,手段 road道、路the second ring road二环路 the third ring road三环路 street街 Go this way, follow the road back for about 500 meters.这么走沿着马路往回走大约500米。 go back往回走 follow the road back沿路往回走 go up往前走 go down往后走 go along the street沿着路走 I went up to Beijing我去北京了。 I went down to my homedown。我去乡下了。 The museum is opposite the Great Hall of the People。博物馆正对着人民大会堂。 be opposite=be facing sth.在…对面 The park is just on the left side of this street。公园就在马路的左边。 The bank is the left side of the post office银行在邮局的左边 You can`t miss it.你不能错过的 miss怀念 I miss my father a lot.我很怀念我父亲。 miss 错过 miss a bus错过了公交车 miss it没找到,错过 Can I go by bus? 我坐公共汽车能到吗? bus 公共汽车 shuttle bus班车(单位的) aircondition bus空调车 double-decker双层巴士 subway 地铁(美) tube地铁(英) metro地下铁 the light rail 轻轨


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