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48 2007 2 宝钢不锈钢生产用耐火材料使用实践 姜茂华, 李安东, 蔡 磁 (不锈钢分公司 采购部, 上海 200431) :介绍了宝钢不锈钢分公司不锈钢生产线自2004年4月 18日投产 来, 95 t脱磷铁水包100 t超高功 率交流电弧炉100 t电炉母液包120 tAOD氩氧脱碳转炉120 tVOD 真空精炼装置不锈钢连铸中间包系统及 连铸用功能性耐火材料的选择和使用情况投产近 3年来, 不锈钢分公司不锈钢生产线各热工设备的包龄炉 龄功能性耐火材料的使用寿命都有了较大幅度的提高,特别是AOD转炉和 VOD钢包的耐火材料迅速国产化, 国产耐材代替进口耐材, 使不锈钢冶炼用耐火材料成本大幅降低,使宝钢不锈钢在市场更具竞争力 : 不锈钢; 耐火材料; 脱磷铁水包; 电炉; 电炉母液包; AOD; VOD + : TF065. 1; TF764 . 1 : B : 1008- 0716( 2007) 02- 0048- 04 Application ofRefractory forBaosteel s Stainless SteelProduction J iang M aohua, L i Andong, Ca i Ci (Purchasing Department, Stainless SteelBranch, Shanghai200431, China) Abstract: Baosteel tain less teel Branch w as put into operation on April 18, 2004. Th is essay illustrates the choice and app lication of functional refractory used in the 95 t DeP hotm etal ladle, 100 tAC EAF, 100t transfer la d le, 120 tAOD converter, 120 t VOD vacuum refin ing facility, tund ish for stainless steel concasting etc. In nearly 3 years of production, each thermal equipm ent on Branch s stain less steel production lines, including tundish, campain life, and service life of refractory have been greatly mi proved. E specially, the quick trans ition from mi ported refractory to dom estic refractory in theAOD converter and VOD lad le has considerab ly reduced costs of stain less steel m ak ing and enhanced the m arket competitiveness of stainless steel products m ade by Baosteel. K ey ords: stainless steel; refractory; DeP hot metal lad le; EAF; EAF transfer lad le; AOD; VOD 0 1. 1. 1 脱磷铁水包工况条件 2001 95 t, , 90 ~ 120 m in/, , 3, 150 t


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